Strict monitoring needed to protect consumers rights.Ongoing of the price hike of necessary commodities round the clock amid this covid pandemic,we are dismayed and disappointed because the toilers, the peasants and day labourers hasn’t the ability to make the ends and that's why we urge the government to take some strick initiatives to control the market prices.
However, time and time we noticed, the price of kitchen products increased without any anticipating as well as any meaningful causes,sometimes this situation grow frustration among lower class and middle class people due to their lower income.
In addition, now the price of essential groceries like all vegetables,meat,fishe, kitchen commodities like edible oil,onion, gargle,potato,lentil and so on is increasing day by day.
Expressing similar view,the hoarder concerned about this price hike and they claimed that shortage of commodities, recurrent of flood, increase taxes, port charges and intervene of government in the import of essential goods are responsible for ongoing price hike.But, on the other hand, our Commerce minister said that there is no shortage of any commodities in market, the price is still out of controlled.He also told that sometimes,the unscrupulous and immoral hoarder and retailers push up the price to get extra interest by the storage of essential products for a long time.
Moreover, people have to pay out of pocket while they went to buy their essential goods durning this pandemic because some of them aleady lost their jobs and those who have job with minimum income.
In the light of this evidence, it is crystal clear that government should stern action to protect consumers right through fixing the price, making a committee to on look market, giving order magistrate to investigate time to time local market and punishing those who are unscrupulous to tackle the crisis.Besides, TCB(Trading Corporation of Bangladesh) should play its actual role to advert the soaring price.
Thank you @TheRandomRewarder for your support