HoneyCake a match made in heaven - passive income that does not suck.

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2 years ago

I, as we all, am still looking for the gold pot at the end of the rainbow, which will make me rich and hassle-free.  Unfortunately, I am aware that the promise of getting rich with minimal investment in a few days is a scam, I am still looking for reasonable additional incomes with a sensible setup and operation costs.  So this is my recipe for HJoneCake, which will not make you a millionaire overnight but should provide some sensible additional crypto coins somewhere in the future.

Step 1 - get the cash.

We start with a money generator, which is a service that will give us the money or crypto for sth else. In this case, it is a HoneyGain that promises:

With Honeygain, you can make money by simply sharing your Internet. Start earning now.

So simply install an app on the phone or PC and share your internet. At the end of the day, you will get a credit, the aim is to gain 20k credits which translate to 20$. And it is not much but I Have managed to reach the first payout after 3 weeks, which was including the initial 5$ offer, which means HG should generate a payout per month.  After reaching the threshold you can take out the 20$ in PayPal payment or bitcoin.

Step 2 - take a risk to get more cash.

The next step was to invest the newly acquired BTC. Because I do not hold nor invest in Bitcoin, I have no idea what to do with it. The solution I have found was Cake Defi The service provides two possible staking pools ( for DFI and DASH) and a number of liquidity mining pools.  At the time of writing the APR was around 56%, it was down from 60% but still good. There are few reasons I like Cake. First, the UI is quite clean and allows you to see total profits as well as all separate "payments". It also pays every 12 hours so if I will need to take my bitcoins I would be able to do it, without a loss.

Step 3 - Can I live with the profits now? 

After the first week, my 20$ produced 0.05934 DFI which is not much, just around $0.13 based on the DFI price of 2.24. Not much but for me, this is a long time game. I plan to put all my payouts for HoneyGain into a Cake. I also think that I will put the payouts from Cointiply as well. 

I would like to add that liquidity mining is very risky. I will not advise anybody to put their own money into it. There is a very high risk of losing invested assets.

This is a repost from: https://www.publish0x.com/tinyvestment/honeycake-a-match-made-in-heaven-passive-income-that-does-no-xqmqmkx 

$ 0.00
Avatar for Assassyn
2 years ago
