Thinking out of the Box

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3 years ago

Hey guys! How are you? I hope you are fine and doing well. I'm @Ashutosh.S , back with another article. Today I wanna talk about the asset of thinking out of the box

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What is it's meaning? Thinking outside the box is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel or creative thinking.


Let's say there's a puzzle, and there's an conventional and proven method to solve it, which used by many people to solve. But you think it can be solved in lesser time using a few tricks. That means you're thinking out of the box to solve the puzzle and you're not using the traditional way to solve it.

Why is it important

 It shows your creativity, dedication as well as your knowledge in the topic. Let's be honest, if you don't about the topic, how are you supposed to find unconventional methods to solve it? It's a big plus point in your resumè or CV. Company wants their employee to be quick on his feet.

Not just in corporate world, but also if talk practically, you may think that you are entitled to some freedoms, rights, and safe zones, and you are a free individual in society, you are not truly free. You are bound to your own habitual thoughts and responses. 

Your mind avoids trouble and wastage of energy by following known paths to process information. It uses several filtering mechanisms to protect you from information overload, conflicting information, and information that may potentially hurt you, disturb you, or challenge your current knowledge and beliefs.

There must be a box if we are talking about out of the box. What's this box is used as metaphor for? It's your filter of perception. How you see things, and thinking inside of the box leads to narrow-mindness as well as intolerant attitude. That's why it's so important to think out of the box.

How to think out of the box

  • Change your perspective.

  • Step out of your comfort zone.

  • Embrace the opposites that you dislike.

  • Think in different ways.

  • Jump out of your routine thinking.

  • Refuse to accept the surface thoughts and solutions.

  • Stop acting as if you alone are right.

  • Stop arguing with people that they are wrong.

  • Believe in the possibility that we cannot know the truths of life but only shades of truth.

That's all my views on the topic. Like, comment and subscribe if you liked the article. I'd like your feedback on this. Thanks in advance. Until Tomorrow, stay safe.❤️

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3 years ago
