Inihaw na Bangus

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Avatar for Ashura
Written by
3 years ago

Inihaw na Bangus or barbecued milkfish is an ideal dish to make during warm climate. I like it best when flame broiled over charcoal since it gives the fish a pleasant smoky flavor. This formula will give you a basic yet scrumptious dish that is speedy and simple to make.

There are a few different ways to plan barbecued milkfish. The formula underneath proposes to utilize huge milkfish. It ought to be cleaned altogether. This implies the guts and gills are expelled and the fish washed and wiped off utilizing a paper towel. I feel that Inihaw na Bangus gets more delectable when there are stuffings included. We will likewise require slashed fixings, for example, tomato, onion, ginger, and lemon to stuff inside the fish before flame broiling it.

Note that the sizes of the fish should be flawless. The scales keep the fish from staying on the meshes of the flame broil when we barbecue it legitimately over charcoal. You can likewise expel the sizes of the fish given that you envelop it by aluminum foil before flame broiling, or utilize a barbecuing container.

The main activity is set up the fish. Milkfish or Bangus is utilized in this formula. Expel the guts and gills. You can likewise demand the fishmonger to do it for you. As referenced before, the formula requires the scales to stay unblemished except if you are intending to enclose it by foil, or in the event that you are utilizing a flame broiling bin. Wash the fish altogether.

Next is to set up the stuffing. Slash tomato, onion, and ginger and consolidate in a bowl. Press a bit of lemon and include ground dark pepper. Throw until all around mixed. Rub salt everywhere throughout the fish including its depression for additional flavor. Presently, put the stuffing fixings inside the fish.

Warmth up your flame broil. I lean toward utilizing a charcoal flame broil for this formula with the goal that the fish gets that smoky flavor. Gas flame broil works as well. Flame broil each side for 10 to 12 minutes relying upon the size of the fish. The bigger the fish, the more extended the barbecuing time. It will be useful to utilize utensils and spatula simultaneously when turning the fish over. This keeps the fish flawless including the stuffing.

Spot the Inihaw na Bangus on a huge serving plate. Set up the plunging sauce by joining the juice of a large portion of a lemon with 1/4 cup of soy sauce in a bowl. Mix. You can likewise add slashed Thai stew to make it zesty. Make the most of your dish with warm white rice.


1 piece milkfish bangus, with scales yet guts evacuated

1 piece tomato ready, diced

1 piece red onion diced

1 piece lemon or 3 pieces calamansi (discretionary)

1 tablespoon ginger minced

2 teaspoons salt

1/2 teaspoon ground dark pepper


Wash the milk fish. Wipe it off utilizing a paper towel.

Open the entry point and afterward rub the salt within the dish. The fish ought to have a cut either above or beneath the gut zone.

In the interim, consolidate tomato, onion, and ginger in an enormous bowl. Press some lemon squeeze in and include the ground dark pepper. Delicately mix.

Stuff the blend inside the milkfish.

Flame broil the fish in medium warmth for around 10 to 12 minutes for every side.

Present with toyomansi and steamed rice.

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Avatar for Ashura
Written by
3 years ago


this delicious food makes me hungry and craving for bangus

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Why not try to cook it. It easy anf delicious 😋

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3 years ago