A Fisherman

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Avatar for Ashraful
4 years ago

A fisherman is a person who lives his livelihood by catching and selling fish. He catches fish in rivers, lakes, haors, beels, canals, ponds and in other watery places. Sometimes he catches fish in the deep sea. Then his life is at risk. Sometimes he is hired to catch fish in someone's ponds or ditches. Then he gets a share of the fish he catches. Apart from catching fish, a fisherman is seen to keep busy with making and repairing his fishing nets and other tools. Sometimes his family members help him in these jobs. Though a Fisherman works hard in good and bad weather his condition does not usually improve. Most fishermen cannot afford to buy a boat and costly nets to catch fish in big rivers. So they hire boats and nets. Then they cannot earn much after paying the hiring cost. For catching fish in big rivers and in the sea, fishermen need to keep a radio or mobile set so that they can know the updated weather forecast. But many fishermen cannot afford to keep.

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You choose a good topics for your article. Fishermens life is very hard. They struggle all day night for leading their lives. Very nice articles ❤️❤️❤️

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4 years ago


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User's avatar Sha
4 years ago

A fisherman is a very good person for us. He also hard work every time. He collected fish in the river, beels etc. Your post topic is very beautiful. Thanks

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4 years ago

a fisherman is a man who makes a living by fishing in the river every day. Only because of them we can eat fresh fish every day. Thanks to the author for telling such a beautiful story.

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4 years ago

একজন জেলে মাছ মারে তা কিন্তু না। মাছ ধরা আবার অনেকেরই নেশা। এটা না করতে পারলে তাদের ভালো লাগেনা। কিন্তু ও জেলে সম্প্রদায়ের লোকেদের এইটা পেশা।

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4 years ago


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User's avatar Sha
4 years ago