Can CBD Help You Sleep? Combining CBD and Melatonin

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Avatar for Asadmushtaq
2 years ago

One-third of adults in the United States receive less than the recommended seven hours of sleep per night (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). If you're one of them, you're well aware of how sleep deprivation may make you feel sluggish throughout the day. Worse, sleep deprivation has been connected to seven of the top 15 causes of death in the United States (Kumar Chattu et al., 2018). However, did you know that, in the middle of this public health crisis (Kumar Chattu et al., 2018), many Americans are turning to a low-risk, high-relaxation remedy?

Cannabidiol is the solution. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive, non-toxic cannabinoid. (A chemical component found in the Cannabis sativa plant is known as a cannabinoid.) CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the human body, keeping it healthy and happy. CBD, on the other hand, is known to have a relaxing effect either taken alone or in combination with THC, cannabis's well-known psychoactive cannabinoid. Here's where you can discover more about how Tikva solutions can help with health and wellness.

CBD, in fact, has been shown to operate in tandem with melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone that informs the body when it's time to sleep. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that aids in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle, which can be interrupted by stress, insomnia, alcohol, or too much light before bed (Piccirillo, 2007, Rupp, 2006, Jung, Y. & St. Louis, E.K., 2016). When the body does not produce enough melatonin, a supplement can help with this biological function. While several firms sell CBD and Melatonin supplements individually, we've come up with a way to combine the two. Tikva's CBD and Melatonin solution can help you sleep better. CBD may also be beneficial for people who suffer from insomnia, REM sleep behaviour abnormalities, or excessive daytime sleepiness, according to research (Babson, Sottile & Morabito, 2017).

 While CBD alone can help you sleep, using full-spectrum hemp oils that contain several cannabinoids can help you sleep even better. It's been proven that using a product containing the cannabinoid CBN, for example, will help you sleep better (Breus, 2019). Pharmaceutical sleep aids, on the other hand, have been linked to sleepwalking, habit building, and daily tiredness, according to Harvard Medical School (2017). CBD hasn't been linked to any of these side effects.

 People are usually recommended to start CBD treatment by taking a solution 20 minutes before bedtime. They are urged to monitor how their bodies react to CBD and alter the timing and amounts as needed.

 There are simple, cost-free strategies to boost your capacity to get a good night's sleep in addition to taking CBD. Experts recommend avoiding coffee (or at least limiting it later in the day), minimizing light exposure (even from devices) at least an hour before night, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule. Relaxation might also be aided by light stretching or reading.

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2 years ago
