Poor Prince

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Avatar for ArturodlVega
9 months ago

Poor Prince


A black rider hurried his mount along the dark path in the middle of the forest bathed in the gloom of night, overcoming his fears he rode looking for a hut, immersed in that darkness it seemed too great a risk, but the rider could not stop, he went in search of a powerful sorceress, only the loud rattling of her horse's hooves and the hooting of some owl broke the monotony of that silent night. At last he arrived at his destination, a ruined cabin in the middle of nowhere, deep in the forest, he dismounted and tied the bridles of his steed to a tree near the hut that fell apart, the stench was disgusting but he couldn't turn back. -tock, tock, tock!!!-, the door opened by itself, the black horseman entered without asking for permission.


-Come in my noble Prince!!!-, the man is surprised, because he hid his face and the colors of his house under a hooded cape as black as the intentions of his heart!!!.


-You really are a powerful sorceress. How did you guess who I am?


-Powerful and divine I am my noble Prince, hahahaha!!!-, his malevolent laugh echoes in the small cabin.


-So you're the one I'm looking for?


-I don't know about that my noble Prince, that will have to be decided by you!!! I am the witch Zefra, the most powerful of the kingdoms known to man, with me there is no spell that your majesty can resist, but in my house you are welcome it is worth hiding who he is for more clothes that cover his shield and his face !!!,- the Prince has no choice but to discover himself and show who he is.


-Well, well, that's how I like my beautiful Prince.


-I have come for your services Zefra, I will pay what you ask, even if you prefer a fixed stipend in gold you will receive every month.


-I'm afraid I won't collect in gold my beautiful Prince.


-What do you mean, what do you want in exchange for your witch services?


-A passionate kiss from those red and full lips, hahahaha!!!-, the Prince swallowed thickly, but he had come too far to back down.


 The witch Zefra must have been over 100 years old, although she looked 150!!! The witch was more terrible than the putrefaction he had smelled outside the cabin, the young man felt faint, but he endured the onslaught of the witch's tallowy snake tongue.


-Coff, coff, coff!!! Damn, you already have what you wanted, now I demand your services, I want...


-An enchanted apple to sleep that makes you lose sleep, hahahaha!!!.


-Enchanted apple? Why would you want to put it to sleep?, I want to take it with me, I need an artifact, a magical contraption that allows me to enter your house and steal it, because it is guarded by some small but very fierce warriors.


-I understand my beautiful Prince, I think I have just what you need!!!.


  Zefra began to take different jars from her shelf, as she took them, she opened them and poured them into her cauldron while she mixed them, stirring them with a large bone of some animal, the Prince could not recognize what they were, the witch named some, - bat eyes, snake brains, two milk teeth of an albino child dying of thirst!!!, Hahaha!!!-, the mixture began to take shape, the witch Zefra mixed everything very well, in the end she threw the last ingredient a piece of lead!!!, the fire under the cauldron was stoked as if a dragon were feeding the forge, -PLOOOF!!!-, a huge black smoke gushed out of the cauldron after the small explosion, the witch Zefra introduced her His bony hand into the cauldron and withdrew a precious golden ring, adorned with a ram's head.


- Here you have my beautiful Prince, when I put the ring on your finger, it cannot be seen or heard by any living or dead being that walks on this earth, hahahaha!!!.


 The Prince smiled when he took the ring in his hands, kept the diabolical artifact in his belt and ran out of the hut, without saying goodbye or looking back, outside he unleashed his horse and galloped like a soul led by the devil towards the house of the young woman who kept him awake, the girl did not correspond to his intentions, he was not impressed by her gallantry, her noble title, I heard her gold, -you will see, ungrateful girl, your contempt will come to an end tonight, when you kidnapping!!!-, the black-hearted Prince gloated over his low intentions into the forest while his horse shortened the path to the young woman's house, now his small but powerful friends could not stop him or prevent him from taking her away.


Inside the hut, the witch Zefra arranged on her shelf all the jars with the ingredients she had used in the creation of the evil ring, then she realized that behind a jar of black swamp moss was a missing ingredient, -it cannot be !!!-, exclaimed the witch, she overlooked adding a red desert cactus stalk to the formula, the witch began to laugh with her malevolent laughter.


 -Hahaha!!!, what bad luck my beautiful Prince has, tonight he will not be seen or heard by any living or dead being, but in the absence of the red cactus, well, they will be able to smell it!!!, hahaha!!!, and those 7 dwarfs who guard the beautiful Snow White, they have very big noses!!!, hahaha!!!, tonight my poor Prince will have a bitter surprise.



@ArturodlVega 06072023

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9 months ago
