Get Something Done - Don't Waste The Time

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2 years ago
Topics: Business

struggle with accomplishing something?  You can call it procrastination, but on a large scale it could mean never opening the business of your dreams or reaching a goal in your life you have always wanted to obtain.

The common Christian sees an obstacle and says "I'll pray about it."  You hear this in the church all the time, and many times the only thing missing is action.  So, what is my advice to you?  Stop praying.

"But," you claim, "doesn't this advice go against everything the bible says?"  The book of Exodus actually addresses this very situation.  In fact, in chapter fourteen we see Moses leading his people out of Egypt when the enemy forces catch up and nearly overtake them.  As they prayed through their grim situation the Lord says in verse fifteen, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!"

These people hit an impasse in their journey and praying simply was not enough. 

 It was time for action!

What are you holding back from in your life that prayer has not resolved?  Are you stuck in a career going no where?  Are you drowning in debt and the only light you see in the tunnel is an oncoming train?  What about that business you have always dreamed of starting?  How is prayer helping you over come these obstacles?  

Here is my advice.  Pray that God gives you the wisdom and strength to turn your plans into action!  When you have prayed all you can pray, then pray some more, but this time, DO something in your life!

Justin Lukasavige is a Personal & Business Coach and owner of Lukas Coaching.  Visit <a href=""></a> for a ton of free tools to help you improve your health, finances, business, career & life!

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$ 0.05 from @JLoberiza
$ 0.03 from @Success.1
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2 years ago
Topics: Business


Yup... looks like I'm reading a number of posts with a similar message today and it's not even 9 AM. Cut off the unproductive activities and get things done!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome dear 🌹

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You said beautifully, dear friend, we must never give up and give up, we must rely on God in our work, and draw strength from him...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome dear ... 🌹

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome to this platform dear friend. I guess you just said act as you pray dear!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome dear 🌹

$ 0.00
2 years ago