Girls are of two castes, I have heard that from some scholars.
One caste is mainly mother, and one caste is priya.
If compared to the seasons, the mother is the rainy season. Watering, fruiting, preventing heat, melts you from above, removes dryness, fills lack.
And Priya spring. Deep is his mystery, sweet is his enchantment, his excitement makes waves in the blood, reaches that jewel of the heart, where there is a secluded string on the golden harp, silently, waiting for the jingle, the jingle that sounds the word of the unspeakable in the whole body.
Shashanka's wife Sharmila was born.
Big big calm eyes; Slow deep gaze; Beautiful body like a water-filled new cloud, soft green; Vermilion in Sindhi; The black fringe of the sari is wide; Makarmukho two thick bracelets in both hands, the language of that adornment is not the language of decoration, the language of auspiciousness.
There is no remote place in the life of the husband where the influence of his empire is weak. The husband's mind has become careless under his wife's over-indulgence. If the fountain pen is temporarily invisible to any invisible part of the table due to a slight mishap, it is the wife's responsibility to rediscover it. Shashankar doesn't remember where he put the watch before going to the bath, his wife's eyes are sure of it. When he is ready to go out after two pairs of socks of different colors, one by one, one by one, the wife comes and corrects his mistake. Inviting friends by pairing the date of the English month with the Bengali month, after which the wife suddenly falls on the sudden responsibility of unexpected hospitality. Shashanka must know that if there is a mistake in his daily life, his wife will correct him, so it has become his habit to make mistakes. The wife says with affectionate rebuke, "I can't do it anymore. Won't you learn anything!" If there was education, Sharmila's days would be like a land of uncultivated crops.
Shashanka may have been invited to a friend's house. It's eleven o'clock at night, it's noon, the bridge game is going on. Suddenly the friends laughed, "Oh, the footsteps of your sympathy. The time is near for you."
That ever-familiar Mahesh Chakar. Mature mustache, raw head hair, wearing merjai on the body, colorful broom on the shoulder, bamboo stick in the armpit. Babu is here to take the sad news? Fear of Mathakrun, lest on the way back disaster befalls in the dark night. He also sent a lantern.
Shashanka got annoyed and dropped the card and got up. Friends say, "Ah, the only vulnerable man." When Shashanka returned home, he did not talk to his wife in a soft or calm manner. Sharmila silently accepted the rebuke. What to do, can not stay. No matter how many impossible dangers await in her absence, she will not be able to get rid of this fear by conspiring in her husband's way.
People have come out, maybe at work. From time to time small notes are coming from the inner city, "I remember you got sick yesterday. Come eat this morning." Shashanka is angry, it means defeat again. Sadly, he once said to his wife, "Please take refuge in a god like Ginni of Chakravarti. Your attention is more on me alone. It is easier to share it with the gods. No matter how much you exaggerate, the gods will not object, but man is weak."
Sharmila said, "Alas, once I went to Haridwar with Kakababu, I remember your condition."
Shashanka once explained to his wife that the situation was very miserable with lots of ornaments. I knew that Sharmila would be happy as she repented of this exaggeration. Who will protest that amitabhasana today. Not only that, but in the early hours of the morning there was a hint of a cold. According to Sharmila's fantasy, she had to eat quinine, ten grains, and tea with basil juice. There was no face to object. Because he had previously objected in a similar situation, he had not eaten quinine, and had a fever, and this account has been recorded in Shashanka's history in indelible letters.
Sharmila's passion for healing and comfort at home is as refreshing as her vigilance for maintaining respect outside. I remember an example.
Went to Nainital once. All the way to stay before the room was reserved. He came to the junction, changed his car and went in search of food. When they came back, they saw the ugly idols in uniform and were trying to evict them. When the stationmaster came and said the name of a world-renowned general, the room belonged to him, forgetting that another name had been assigned. Shashanka rolled his eyes and was about to go away in awe. Henkale Sharmila got in the car and slammed the door and said, "I want to see who gets me down. Call your general." Shashanka is still a government employee, he is accustomed to walk the safe path by bypassing the upper castes. As much as she gets busy and says, "Ah, what's the matter, there are more cars" - Sharmila doesn't listen! Finally, General Saheb finished his meal in the refreshment room and saw the fury of his wife from a distance with a cigar in his mouth. Shashanka asked his wife, "You know what a great man!" The wife said, "We don't need to know. The car is ours, the car is not bigger than yours."
Shashanka asked, "What if he was insulted?"
Sharmila replied, "What are you doing?"
Shashank is a passing engineer in Shibpur. No matter how lazy Shashanka is in his home life, he is good at his job. The main reason is that the ruthless vision of Tungi planet in the workplace is what is called Barosaheb in common parlance. She is not a woman. While Shashank was acting as a District Engineer, the impending turn of events was reversed. This is the unimaginable emergence of a young Englishman who, despite his crude experience, carries his seat with a rare cave-line and carries the relationship and recommendation of a higher authority.
Shashanka understands that he has to put this Arbachin in the upper seat and continue the work from the lower level. The authorities patted him on the back and said, "Very sorry Majumdar, I will get you a suitable place as soon as I can." They both belong to a Freemason lodge.
Yet in spite of the reassurance and consolation, the whole matter became very bitter for Majumdar. When he came home, he started complaining about all the minor issues. Suddenly his eyes fell on the corner of his office, suddenly it seemed that he could not see the color of the green cover on the stool. Behara was sweeping the verandah, giving him a huge rebuke because the dust was flying. The inevitable dust flies every day but the threat is new.
He did not tell his wife the news of disrespect. If you think about it, if it comes to your ears, it will make another gland in the job trap - maybe you will come to quarrel with the authorities in a sweet language. He is especially angry with Donaldson. Once he went to suppress the monkey nuisance in the garden of the circuit house and smashed Shashankar's solar cap with shrapnel. Danger did not happen but it could have happened. People say it is Shashankar's fault, but his anger increased after Donaldson. This is the reason for the anger of all, the enemy has laughed at the equation of these two things to shoot at the monkey Shashanka.
The news of Shashanka's demise was discovered by Shashanka's wife herself. Seeing her husband's condition, she understood that a thorn in the side of the family has risen. After that it didn't take long to find out the reason. It did not go the way of constitutional agitation, it went the way of self-determination. She said to her husband, "No, quit now."
If you can give, the leech of insult falls from your chest. But in front of the meditation stretches the food field of the tied mine, and to its west horizon the unshakable golden line of the pension.
Shashankamouli in that year M.Sc. | Having just reached the highest peak of his degree, his father-in-law did not delay in doing good deeds in the same year - Shashanka got married to Sharmila. If you pass engineering with the help of rich father-in-law. After that, seeing the signs of rapid improvement in the job, Rajarambabu was reassured by determining the future prosperity of the son-in-law. The girl has not felt the change until today. Not only is there no shortage in the family, the behavior of the father's house is also maintained here. Because of this, the system in this family dichotomy is Sharmila's right. She has not had a child, I hope she has given up. All the earnings of the husband fall into his hands. If there is a special need, there is no way for Shashanka not to go back to Annapurna and beg. If the claim is inconsistent, it is rejected, it is accepted with a scratch. On the other hand, depression is filled with sweet juice.
Shashanka said, "Leaving the job is nothing for me. I think for you, the trouble will be yours."
Sharmila said, "It will be harder for him to swallow the wrong and strangle him."
Shashanka said, "I want to do the work, I will leave Dhruv and look for Adhrub somewhere."
"She-para doesn't catch your eye. You don't consider the world outside of the place where you are joking about your job, the place, the desert of Balochistan."
"Destruction. That universe is so huge. Who will go out to survey the roads. Where can I find big binoculars in the market."
"You don't have to wear big binoculars. My cousin Mathurdada is a big contractor in Calcutta. If you work with him, the day will go by."
"The share will be unequal in weight. For this, the weight will be less. If you go to share, there will be no rank."
"There is no shortage of this. You know, the interest that my father left in the bank in my name is increasing in interest! You don't have to be short of a partner."
"What is that. That money is yours." Shashanka got up. People are sitting outside.
Sharmila pulled her husband's clothes and said, "I am yours too."
Then he said, "Take a fountain pen out of your pocket, this is a letter paper, write a letter of resignation. I have no peace without calling it."
"I don't feel at peace either."
If you write a letter of resignation.
The next day Sharmila left for Calcutta, got up and went to Mathurdada's house. He said arrogantly, "Don't even take the news of your sister one day."
Girl: If there was a rival, he would say, "Don't take it either." He did not answer the man's head. He confessed to the crime and said, "What time is there to breathe. Whether I am myself or not is therefore wrong. And, apart from that, you also go far away. "
Sharmila said, "Let's see on paper where Mayurbhanj or Mathurganj got the job of building a bridge. I was so happy to read it. That's when I thought I would go and congratulate Mathurdada myself."
"Wait a minute, girl. It's not time yet."
The business needs to throw out these 6 cash. Marwari is supposed to work in part with the rich. In the end, it was revealed that in such a condition, the part of the shell will fall on Marwari and the part of the shell will fall on his forehead. So try to back off.
Sharmila got busy and said, "This can never happen. If you have to work in part, do it with us. It would be a great injustice if such work slipped out of your hands. I will not allow this to happen, whatever you say."
It was not too late to study after that; Mathurdada's heart also melted.
Business was booming. Shashanka had previously worked in the job, the limits of that responsibility were moderate. The boss was out on his own, claiming and giving equal weights. Now he runs his own dominion. Claims and lenses are matched in one place. The days are not spent on holidays, the time is solid. His responsibility is so strong that he can be given up only if he wants to. Nothing else, the wife's debt must be repaid, then there will be time to move slowly. A watch on his left wrist, a solar cap on his head, rolled up his sleeves, wearing khaki pants, a leather belt, thick-soled shoes, colorful sunglasses - Shashank got up and went to work. When his wife's debt came to the brink of repayment, Istim's breath did not diminish, his mind became hot.
Earlier the trend of income expenditure in the world was in the same trench, now there are two branches. One went to the bank, and another to the house. Sharmila's allotment is the same as before, the mystery of the debts there is invisible to Shashankar. Again, the leather-bound account book of the business is an inaccessible fort for Sharmila. There is no harm in that. But as the orbit of her husband's business life fell out of her circle, her rules began to be ignored. He pleaded, "Don't overdo it, the body will break." Surprisingly, the body does not break down. Shashanka hurriedly ignores the marital anxieties of the class, worrying about lack of rest, preoccupation with the nuts of comfort, etc. Comes and scolds, and quickly finishes eating R-R.
One day his car collided with another car. He survived, the car was injured, sent him to repair. Sharmila became busy. "You can't drive yourself," he said in a steamy voice.
Shashanka laughed and said, "The danger in the next hand is the same kind of enemy."
One day when she went to investigate a repair work, she broke her shoe, broke her pack box nail, went to the hospital, tied a bandage and survived the tetanus, she cried that day; He said, "Stay in bed for a while."
Shashanka said very briefly, "Work." Sentences can no longer be shortened.
Sharmila said, "But" - this time she went to work with the bandage without a word.
I do not dare to force. In your case, the emphasis is on men. Argument - the only thing out of the ordinary - "there is work."
Sharmila said, "But" - this time she went to work with the bandage without a word. I really like what Sharmila said