Patriarchal debt

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Avatar for Arnavaria
3 years ago

The first month of the well-established boy's life

Raising the salary in the hands of the father, he is saying to the father - "Father, you said that the father's debt will be repaid one day

No. You spent as much money behind me in twenty-six years

Do you know that I will be able to return the money to you in the next three years "?



Dad: (laughs a little) "Listen to a story?"



The boy became a little unprepared. He said in a low voice- "Say, father, I will listen ..."



- When you are four, my monthly income is two thousand rupees. I never let anyone in the house understand the difficulty of running the family with that money. I have always tried my best to make your mother happy. The first time I admitted you to the school, the two of us-

Your mother and I have planned what we will give up in exchange for your tuition.

I couldn't give anything to your mother that year.



When you went to college, our condition was pretty good. But it was very difficult when your mother became very ill. Rose works overtime every day to buy medicine; It was very difficult to walk back home, soaked in sweat. But never let anyone understand, not even your mother.



One day I saw a bike from the show room. That night I dreamed I was going to work on a bike. But the next day you took the deposit for the laptop. Your trouble is my trouble

Either dad. I bought you the laptop.



My money then is now one penny! But remember this is one rupee

You had a party with friends.

You've been listening to music all night with headphones on your brand new mobile; Have picnics, done tours, watched concerts. Your every day was like a dream.



And with your hundred rupees, I'm going to have a heart bypass now, diabetes

Measure. You know I eat fish

Prohibition, prohibition on eating meat, how so much

Tell me to spend money! So with your money

I put on a hat of imagination. I am at that market

I ride my bike around the city.

I go to see movies with friends. Yours

I walk around the weaving fair holding my mother's hand.



Dad or "rabbit type" in your language. I thought so too of my father. I have not had any difficulty in becoming a father from a man, all the hardships your mother has endured. But believe me, only a father understands the pain of being a responsible father.



Although you have seen mother worship everywhere in the ages, have you seen father worship anywhere? Fatherhood I do not expect. No father can express love for his child, but a father never deviates from his responsibility to his child. You may be able to repay the hard earned money I spent for you in three years ...... but my dreams seen in my youth ??? Standing in the structure of that dream, you are talking about repaying your debt today

You are saying ....... what are those dreams

Will it ever get real ??????



Dad, please shut up !! I love you, not your money

I'll give it back to you.



Ha..ha..ha .. stupid boy! Father's love can never be returned. The feces and urine of a small child can also be wiped away and the house of an old person cannot be entered. Let me ask you a question, father. Suppose you, me and your baby are sitting in a boat. Suddenly the boat started sinking .....

You can save anyone. Tell me who to save?



The boy tried a thousand times but one hair lip

Can't move!



No need to answer. Boys are fathers,

Dad can never be a boy.

Do you know the heaviest thing in the world? Son's body on father's shoulder! I just want one thing from God. On my last ride as if I were mine

I climbed on the boy's shoulder. Then you will be able to repay a loan - a loan to take you in your arms ........

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3 years ago


Yeah.we can never repay our father debt...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice post

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3 years ago