Cottage industry

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Extensive expansion of industry is required for economic development of a country. For this we have to look at the cottage industry. This industry does not require more expensive equipment and large capital. From ancient times the cottage industry of Bangladesh has gained world-renowned status. Muslin made by Bengali artists reminds me of that. Many other such products were made by the skilled artisans of Bengal sitting in the leaf huts of the countryside. On that day, Bengalis did not have to look outside for the necessities of daily life. So we need to be more careful about the cottage industry.

Cottage industries are known as cottage industries. The products that are made or produced by hand without heavy equipment at home are called cottage industries. The artists of Murshidabad were famous for their work on ivory. Da, knives of Malda and Kanchan Nagar, guns from the forest side of Burdwan, swords, armor and janti of Dinajpur, comb of Jessore, muslin of Dhaka etc. were quite famous. Different classes of people work in the cottage industry. Such as- blacksmith, potter, weaver, kansari, shankhari, goldsmith etc. There are various materials of cottage industry in our country. Among them weaving, pottery, shellfish, silk industry, goldsmith, embroidery, culinary industry, shitalpati, jute bag, hand fan, fishing net, wooden furniture etc. are the main ones. These have been known as our cottage industries for ages.

Those glorious days of cottage industry are no more today. The industrial revolution that took place in Europe from the eighteenth century to the middle of the nineteenth century has severely affected the cottage industry in this country. However, the cottage industry has survived in our country and it is expected that the demand will continue in the future.

Artists can easily diversify these products by giving them different shapes. At one time the rural civilization of Bengal was dependent on cottage industries. A special group of people would become skilled in a particular industry from generation to generation. As a result, each caste was formed according to the action. From the earliest times of civilization, all industries were started in cottages. These were able to meet our needs.

The cottage industry has its own characteristics. The cottage industry is incomparable in terms of tastes and characteristics. This industry can produce various kinds of handicrafts. The cottage industry provides employment opportunities to the artisans in the family. In addition there are a few specific industries. Such as- making jute goods, making bidis, making buttons, making handloom cotton fabrics, shellfish, making earthen pots and pans, making dolls, making cool rugs, making bamboo-cane chairs, tables, etc .; Which does not have the advantage of mass production in large scale industries. Many cottage industries serve as complements to the production of large factory industries. There is considerable benefit in supply and supplementary income for rural farmers, especially by cottage industries. Because they cannot leave the village and go to the city for the whole year to work in a factory.On the other hand, in the absence of cottage industries, many farmers have to spend a few months of the year idle without work. So it can be seen that in spite of hundreds of difficulties, some lumbar industries are still going on and will continue with the old tradition.

The problem of unemployment has become evident in our country. This problem can be solved through the massive expansion of cottage industries. In this regard, the economically successful Japan can be recalled. Cottage industries and small machinery are the backbone of Japan's economy. Eighty-five percent of Japanese workers are employed in cottage and small scale industries. In almost every Japanese household, everyone makes small items with the help of small machines. It is bought from the government at a fair price. In creating these industries, on the one hand, the problem of unemployment has been solved and on the other hand, they have developed their own country by exporting it abroad. If the cottage industry expands with the help of the government, our unemployment problem can be reduced to a great extent.

There are many reasons behind the decline of cottage industry in Bangladesh. The Industrial Revolution in Europe began with the discovery of large industries. The decline of Bengal's cottage industry began on the day when the English merchants arrived in India and Bangladesh after the Muslim merchants arrived in the country with cheap ships from Manchester and iron goods made in factories in Glasgow and Buckingham. Many of the cottage artisans left the caste business and became farm laborers and some joined as factory workersMoreover, even though there is a government organization called 'Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation' at present, the people engaged in cottage industries are not getting any easy benefits. The cost of their products is getting higher. In this opportunity low priced foreign products have come and occupied the market. Even though the prices are low, the glamor on the outside is attracting more people. As a result, cottage artists are not able to survive in the competition. Buyers are likely to call everyone who looks appropriate, if there are only a few. Due to these reasons our cottage industry is deteriorating day by day.

If we want to save the cottage industry, we have to provide capital to the rural industry and we have to provide cheap raw materials. It is not possible to revive the cottage industry without encouragement from the government. The steps that need to be taken for this are-

People engaged in cottage industry should be provided loan facility on as easy terms as possible.

Cooperative based cottage industries should be set up in every village of the country. Cottage artisans have to make arrangements for the sale of manufactured goods.

The women of the country should be employed in various jobs in the cottage industry with proper training.

All the products that will be made in our cottage industry will have to be controlled in the case of free import of such products from abroad.

Skilled cottage artisans should be encouraged with certificates, scholarships and prizes.

Importance of cottage industry: Cottage industry is our tradition, without its revival the overall welfare of the people of this country is not possible. The fame of the cottage industry of this country was one day spread beyond the borders of India and even in distant Europe. The emperor of China, the caliph of Baghdad, the ruler of Rome used to pay homage to the unique creation of cottage industries in Bengal. The kings of Delhi and the Nawabs of Bengal were muslin connoisseurs. According to the historian Pinni, "the elite beauties of Rome wore muslin." This made the status of cottage artists and the industries they produced clear.

In Bangladesh, cottage industries are no less important as an opportunity for farmers to retire and earn extra income. More women can work in the cottage industry. This led to the development of rural economic conditions. Even in developed countries like England and America, the cottage industry has not been neglected. The cottage industry has a huge role to play in the fact that Japan has dominated the world market by supplying low cost products.

The cottage industry is part of our heritage. The development of our economy is associated with the deterioration of this industry. Cottage industries are the lifeblood of the rural economy in particular. Through this, just as the problem of unemployment can be reduced, it is also possible to alleviate poverty. With these aspects in mind, cottage industries need to be revived and expanded.

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