Subculture and youths

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3 years ago

Introduction: While discussing culture, Hossain Chowdhury of Motah said- "Culture means to live beautifully, diversely, magnificently" meaning culture is the casual effort of people to survive, and subculture is the opposite. Worshiping the ugly by killing the soul, living by the hand of evil is anti-culture. Subculture corrupts people and pushes them towards deprivation by stifling the development of the beauty of life.

Relationship of culture with life: The relationship of culture with life is inseparable. Every activity of the people living in the society is one of the elements of their culture. No society can deny their culture. Basically culture and life complement each other.

Sources of subculture: In nineteenth century Bengal, Western culture gave birth to reckless luxury and extravagance. The social reformer Bengali scholars called for the adoption of the positive aspects of Western culture by rejecting the injustices and disorder that had arisen at that time in the frenzy of the new culture. At present, the unfettered culture has infiltrated our national life with the free flow of globalization.

The drug addiction and degradation of the western youth is spreading in our young society through the sky-culture. Excessive Western mentality, extreme alienation and consumerist obesity are sitting to consume the mainstream of our culture today. The relentless adoption of foreign cultures is now a threat to our own culture.

Lightning signal of subculture in national life: The great glory of subculture in national life is noticeable in Bangladesh. There is a strange tide of personal greed in this country through unhealthy competition. Especially the young society of this country is lost today. Policy has nothing to do with their survival. It is from this feeling that subculture is born. Trying to survive well now ridiculous corruption is now socially recognized.

And now the beginning of immorality is in the hands of the wicked livelihood of the people. He who does not make a living honestly has no choice but to be enslaved by the subculture.

The aggression of the subculture is very clear in the movies that the daily newspapers present in front of us. Obscenity, filth, murder, robbery, deception - all have different names for subcultures.

Our society today is enslaved to all these.

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3 years ago
