They attack each other: see what to do

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Avatar for ArgentinaVeterinariaBCH
3 years ago

TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH, “You can go in, the dog doesn't bite! He is very nice! "Who never heard this phrase?

Pleasant for those responsible and even with the visit, but with canine brothers ... "Ah, everything has limits, right?" (canine thinking)

Come find out how to calm them down!

To know how to solve the problem it is very important to understand the reasons that lead dogs to fight. Each cause of stress among dogs must be treated differently. Understand: it is not sweetened with salt, that's all.

  • They attack each other: see what to do

Well, there's no way you can get in the way of barking and biting. But you can't just stand by and wait for one to kill the other. Yes, friends, I mean it literally. Some dogs are so violent that they can cause fatal damage to the opponent. But that doesn't mean that you need to live alone or that you have to be sacrificed.

  • So what to do?

Hit something that makes a loud noise. The idea here is to make them freak out and stop fighting. We want everyone to go to one side so that they calm down and you can take control of the situation.

Add water at room temperature. Spray water with a hose or play with a bucket. But no hot water, we don't want to burn the dogs, just separate them.

Use pillows or cushions to separate the fight. Even small dogs have very sharp teeth and when they are in the middle of a fight they will attack whoever comes in front. In that case, take a cushion or pillow and calmly place it between the dogs until you get them to separate.

Wrap your hands and arms in a thick towel to separate the fight. I do not indicate this situation for large dogs, as they are extremely strong and can bite your face if they stand, for example.

  • But after all, why do they fight?

Just as we have our personality, so do animals. The difference is that we choose who we want to live with, they don't. We force animals to accept others because we want to and we finish. "Ah, but can't I have more than one dog?" In most cases, yes. But there are two things to understand:

Your dog may have a difficult temperament and will never approve of another animal. If that happens, what remains is to accept the fact and the point.

It may be slow to get used to and you can have as many dogs as you like, as long as you respect their time.

That said, let's continue: there is also the question of jealousy for the person in charge, toys, food, if you spend a lot of time alone, if you are not used to socializing, among others, but for today we will focus on these points:

  • Territorial fight

This is one of the main reasons. Everyone needs their space, which includes: their bed, their drinking fountain and toys and toys. And these should be arranged on opposite sides, so that each one dominates its space. Understand, they won't fight all the time, only if one passes the other's spatial file. The center can contain a common core with more toys.

  • Castration

We always say that sterilization is very important because it prevents unwanted puppies and diseases. But did you know that often the marking or dominance of the territory is aggravated by hormones? Castration also often helps in these cases.

  • Jealousy

Your dog may have been jealous of a newcomer. When there is a big difference between one adoption and another, there can be jealousy. Before it was all his, until now a hairy man comes out of nowhere taking care of his house and his parents, "not really!" (canine thinking)

Feel the environment. Start with the two of you in the same place with a controlled time and increase the time as you get along. They will not start a fight right away, there will be a smell here and there that will not be welcome, it may be that one growls at the other, barks and then attacks. If you notice that there was a strangeness, you have already separated. Let everyone have their own space as mentioned above. Another option is to strap each person on their leash when giving presentations. That way, if you move forward, you are in control. Just hold the necklace and take it to another corner.

Play with them and offer them snacks as long as they are together without fighting. This approach is usually faster in dogs than in cats. I speak from experience: when the cat does not like it, it does not like it. With dogs it is more a matter of getting used to the presence. They tend to be more sociable and accept the new friend well and quickly.

  • Loneliness

Dogs that spend a lot of time alone tend to be more sensitive, and sometimes inserting another animal worsens rather than better. That is not usually the case, okay? The standard is that if there are two of you, keep each other company and become #BFF (Best Friends Forever). But if that happens, you can follow in the footsteps of territorial struggle and jealousy. They fit well in these cases.

  • Bad treatments

If your dogs are chained in the yard, if they are cold, overheated, hungry, thirsty, hit, do not walk or are even forced with an en excessive and violent training, they will be angry animals. They will be animals that live fighting and attack not only the rest of the animals in the house, but also the visitors or even those responsible: you!

It is also very common for dogs that come from abuse and episodes of street violence to be more suspicious. These animals may very well have a difficult time accepting not only new canine friends, but human affection as well. In these cases, the solution is not magic and comes with a lot of affection, love, patience and in some cases, training.

  • When to call a coach?

It takes time for a dog to stop fighting another dog. And that time depends on innumerable variables: time you dedicate to understand what is causing the animals to fight, how you lead the reconciliation process between the parties, among others. And yet, in some cases, I am sorry to tell you that you will not be able to solve it yourself and will have to seek the help of a professional, in this case, a trainer.

Remembering that even trainers work with different lines of training. You may try one and not solve it, while with another professional your puppy identifies and succeeds in training.

Remembering that training consists of repetitive exercises with reward. Never, under any circumstances, can there be violence by the professional. If this happens, report the "professional" for abuse.

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Avatar for ArgentinaVeterinariaBCH
3 years ago
