3 Ways to Stop People From Robbing Your Happiness

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Friday,10 June Article no 34

Taking off in spoil starting with one room then onto the next, I relied upon my folks. Without them, envisioning life is unthinkable. They were in charge of my life. Furthermore, my amateur brain required them to deal with me.

Quick forward 22 years, I actually need my folks yet presently they don't control me. Guardians love us genuinely, so on the off chance that even they truly do control a bit, it is out of affection.

In any case, the issue emerges when we let others assume command over our life. We permit them to direct our lives. Also, this is when things turn sour in our life.

All of us has interesting encounters. In light of those encounters they lay out convictions and eventually it turns into their existence.

From our introduction to the world, till we kick the bucket, individuals around us attempt to direct to us in unfathomable ways. Whether family, companions or even those whom we've met interestingly. Be that as it may, the issue with this kind of control is actually we're giving them the way in to our joy.

Rather than looking for bliss for ourselves, we rely upon these individuals to satisfy us. Furthermore, that is the mix-up that disturbs us the most.

The uplifting news is you can limit others from controlling you. With these tips, you will actually want to take control once more into your hands. It's your life, so normally, no one but you can fulfill yourself.

1. Happiness is an inside job, which means people cannot mess with it

What people say and do about you has nothing to do with you. Everyone has the right to think and say what they mean. But you also have the power to ignore when they say something negative about you.

You have a choice. Either you can take it to the heart, or you can ignore it and move on.

Don’t depend on others to make you happy. If you give them the authority to make you happy, they’ll disappoint.

Instead, focus on the good things in life. Count down your blessings. Give charity, and visualize and revisit the happy moments in your life.

2. Don’t wait for others to appreciate you

Don’t wait for others to treasure you. Be your best supporter.

Every day spend some time with yourself. In this time, do something to appreciate. For instance, after a successful day or even not-so-good day, I order food for myself or make myself cold coffee, or treat myself to something I love.

It’s your life. Do what makes you happy. Pat on the back and be proud of yourself, even when others are unable to appreciate you.

In a live session, a writer asked

“One editor rejected my work and I was upset for a week.”

An editor rejecting you is one tiny part of your grand life. That editor didn’t get your work. Leave him. Send your article to 100 other publications.”

Never let one comment or rejection upset you.

Rejection doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It means that some people didn’t get your work. Try again. Fail better this time. And try until you finally succeed.

3. Don’t condition your happiness

Some of the misconceptions are:

If my boss appreciates me, I’ll be happy.

If my friend doesn’t support my business it’ll upset me.

My happiness comes from other people.

All of these beliefs are wrong. It’s your life, your happiness. If someone says anything to you, it’s their perception of you. Maybe it’s temporary, or maybe it’s something permanent. But don't take it seriously.

You’re given two ears and one tongue for a reason. So, you can listen more and speak less. If you feel angry with someone about something, write it on paper. When you express your feelings on paper, it will relax your mind and you’ll be able to focus on other important things in life.

And if you’re having a bad day, I suggest reading this Article.

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