"Some benefits of papaya leaves"

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3 years ago

Papaya fruit is rich in vitamins E, C and beta-carotene which are antioxidants. In addition, the seeds are rich in fatty acids.

While papaya oil has a sharp spicy taste, and can be used as a substitute for spices. Not only that, papaya leaves are also useful.

Like the fruit, papaya leaves are rich in enzymes such as papain and chymopapain, which help digestion, prevent bloating and other digestive disorders.

Apart from digestion, strong alkaloid compounds such as karpain work effectively against dandruff and baldness. Papaya leaves also contain vitamins A, C, E, K, and B in large quantities and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, magnesium and iron.

1. Treating dengue fever

Dengue fever is caused by Aedes mosquitoes that spread through the blood. Dengue fever causes a decrease in blood platelets. So by eating papaya leaves can help increase the number of platelets.

2. As anti-malaria

Malaria is caused by Dangue mosquitoes. Compound contained in papaya leaves, Acetogenin can help in the prevention of this dangerous disease.

3. Good for the heart

Just like papaya, papaya leaves also function as a good cleanser for the liver. For this reason, papaya leaves are believed to cure many chronic liver diseases, jaundice and cirrhosis of the liver.

4. Supports digestion

The enzymes found in papaya leaves, namely papain and chymonpapain are proven to help digestion, prevent constipation and cleanse the large intestine. The papain enzyme can also help heal and prevent heartburn.

5. Lowering blood sugar levels

Papaya leaves are very good for diabetics, because they regulate insulin production, which in turn checks blood sugar levels. Its strong antioxidant properties also help reduce complications due to diabetes such as kidney damage and fatty liver.

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