"Benefits of traditional herbal medicine"

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Herbal medicine is a traditional medicine belonging to the Indonesian people that has been around for a long time. Although there are currently many conventional medicines that are effective in treating various diseases, herbal medicine is still an alternative choice for Indonesian people as herbal medicine.

Since long time ago, herbal medicine has been trusted as an herbal medicine that has a myriad of health benefits. In addition, the predecessors believed that the tradition of drinking herbal medicine can also preserve nature.

Because people will replant the basic ingredients of herbal medicine. So no wonder if until now the existence of herbal medicine still exists in Indonesia.

Plants used as basic ingredients for herbal medicine are usually in the form of rhizomes and selected spices, such as turmeric, ginger, turmeric, ginger, kencur, nutmeg until galangal.

The basic ingredients of making this herbal medicine are not only easy to get but also have many health benefits for the body. Do not believe? Check out some of the benefits of herbal medicine by type you need to know the following.

> Rice kencur

Herbal medicine that has the basic ingredients kencur is kencur rice. This herbal medicine is believed to relieve pain, flatulence, dizziness to gout.

In addition, kencur rice is also nutritious to increase appetite. You can drink kencur rice herbal medicine regularly.

> Turmeric acid

Turmeric is the basic ingredient of making turmeric acid. The content of curcumin in turmeric can relieve pain, inflammation.

In addition, turmeric also contains vitamin C, B vitamins and antioxidants increase endurance to eliminate toxins or poisons.

Drinking turmeric acid regularly and regularly can provide optimal health benefits.

> Kudu laos

Kudu laos is a type of herbal medicine based on galangal with a combination of noni fruit. This herbal medicine can function to relieve cough with phlegm, skin diseases and prevent herpes.

Galangal root rhizome contains flavonoid compounds, camphor, synovial and galangin. Meanwhile Noni fruit contains alizarin, socium to lycin compounds which provide many health benefits.

You can drink this type of herbal medicine regularly and regularly. So that it will get optimal results.

> Wedang ginger

One of the easiest herbs to get is ginger. Almost all food stalls in Indonesia provide ginger.

Herbal medicine that uses the basic ingredients of ginger is known as a beverage that functions to warm the body. In addition, the structure of ginger contains genarial compounds, lypdis and proteins that can help prevent diabetes, inflammation and cancer.

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