AIDS:A Modern Plague

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Avatar for Arain_2339
3 years ago

Epidemics have wiped out civilization in the past.The memories of the great plague of London still haunt the humanity. A few disease like the small pox leprosy etc have been conquered. A few others like malaria has been brought under control. Nature however has always been a step ahead.Eeach time scientists proudly announce elimination of a germ.

The latest is the menace of AIDS.

Humans it seems at the mercy of viruses, bacteria, dungi and the like.

The most dangerous of the these is virus.Although some viruses, such as the common flue,can be treated by proper medication and rest,there is no known cure for many of them.

AIDS is short for acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a disease that damages the body's Immune system. The Immune system helps fights off illnesses.A person's body with AIDS cannot defend itself.

AIDS is contagious, but it is much harder to get than a cold or flu. One cannot get AIDS from hugging, or shaking hands, being in a room with someone wh has AID.It does not spread through coughing or sneezing. It is transmitted through transfusion of blood of infected person or sexual intercourse.

AIDS is responsible for an enermous chaos and fear in the world today and is perhaps a modern plague. Scientists believe that AIDS is originated in somewhere Africa.It has now become a great danger for human beings of the world.

AIDS take away the vital energy from the man.There is at present no cure,no proper treatment and no vaccine to check the killer virus.

We alredy know enough about AIDS to prevent its spread.If we declare war on HIV we must educate our people about the hazards of casual sex and unhygienic blood transfusion the two main routes of the HIV into the human body.

While medical science in the dark,there remains only one survival technique available. It is time-honoured wisdom that preventation is better than cure.

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