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Avatar for Arafat111
3 years ago

Sun = 332 950 x Earths

The Sun is so massive its interior could hold 1.3 million Earths.

Mercury = 0.055 x Earths

Because of its proximity to the Sun the average surface temperature on Mercury is 179 degrees Celsius. - Solar Family

Venus = 0.815 x Earths

Venus was named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. This is probably due to the fact Venus is very bright in the night sky in comparison to the other planets.

Earth = 1 x Earth

The Earth's surface is comprised of 71% water. Earth is the only planet that has liquid water on its surface. - Solar Family

Mars = 0.107 x Earths

The solar day on Mars is very close to Earth's day - 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35.244 seconds.

Jupiter = 317.8 x Earths

Although Jupiter consists mainly of gas, its core is quite different. It consists of rocky material which equals roughly the mass of 10-15 Earths.

Saturn = 95.162 x Earths

Because Saturn's core is so hot it radiates more energy into space than it receives from the Sun.

Uranus = 14.536 x Earths

Uranus, like Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune, also has rings. All the rings are very faint. The outermost ring, known as the Epsilon, is comprised mostly of ice boulders several feet across.

Neptune = 17.147 x Earths

Neptune has the strongest winds recorded at any planet. They can reach up to 2000 km/h. - Solar Family

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