Syrian Army Destroys Al Qaeda Dens after a Woman and Child Killed by NATO Drone

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1 year ago
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The Syrian Arab Army units in northern Hama countryside, Central Syria, devastated several quarters and weapons depots of NATO's al Qaeda terrorists in southern Idlib countryside after the terrorists drone bombed a Syrian town killing a Syrian woman, her child, and injuring three others.

NATO Turkey-sponsored Al Qaeda Levant (aka HTS - Nusra Front) dropped 2 bombs from a Turkish drone on residential homes in the town of Salhab in Hama's northwestern countryside.

Five casualties were received at the Al Suqalbiyah National Hospital, a dead child, a severely wounded woman who later succumbed to her wounds, another child severely injured in addition to two adults with shrapnel all over their bodies.

The injured child remains in critical condition in the hospital's ICU, the other two were later discharged.

HTS is the latest branding name given to Nusra Front which was also a branding name given to Al Qaeda Levant terrorists by their British sponsors and their PR propagandists. They are loyal to the Turkish madman Erdogan.

The HTS (stands for Hay'at Tahrir al Cham in Arabic or The Liberation of the Levant Organization) has swallowed and decimated smaller groups in the northern Syrian regions occupied by the Turkish Army, the second-largest army in the NATO 'defensive' alliance.

More about this later escalation by NATO Turkish madman Erdogan and his plethora of Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups in northern Syria in this report: NATO’s Al Qaeda Murder a Syrian Woman and her Child in Hama. (link in bio)

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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1 year ago
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