NATO Fratricide: Turkey Kills Commanders in the Kurdish SDF in Northern Syria

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1 year ago
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Turkish Army drone killed three commanders in the US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist terrorist group in northeastern and injured a fourth.

NATO-second largest army, the Turkish Army is at war with a terrorist group sponsored by NATO-first largest army, the Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists, the battlefield is over the sovereign land of Syria.

The Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists killed are the head of the Qamishli region in northern Hasakah countryside, her deputy, and the driver, the injured is another head of the same Qamishli region in the same countryside, they have enough funding from the US and European taxpayers for these overlapping jobs.

Both forces of the NATO 'defensive' alliance operate illegally in Syria, commit war crimes against the Syrian people, and then kill each other on Syrian soil.

The same NATO countries crying about the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, have no issue breaching Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, in addition to their genocide against the Syrian and Ukrainian people to achieve their political and greedy goals.

The Turkish Army sponsors Al Qaeda and its affiliates in northern Syria with their base in Idlib in the northwest of Syria, while the USA and its European stooges of NATO sponsor the Kurdish SDF separatists and ISIS, the Al Qaeda Levant offshoot in northeastern, central, and southern Syria.

More about this latest NATO drone bombing of other NATO forces in this report: NATO Erdogan Kills NATO Kurdish SDF Commanders in Hasakah. (link in bio)

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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Avatar for ArabiSouri
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Blogging, Freewrite, ...


Criminals eliminating each other in such attacks outside the urban areas save Syrian lives.

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1 year ago