Car Explosion Kills US-sponsored Kurdish Terrorist Group Commander in Syria

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1 year ago
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A military car explosion killed its 4 passengers including a Kurdish terrorist commander known for his bloodthirst in northern Syria.

The commander of the US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist terrorist known as Kriboz was reportedly killed with 3 of his terrorist colleagues in the explosion that took place on the Abu Khashab Road in northern Deir Ezzor province.

Kurdish SDF propagandists claim that the explosion that destroyed the vehicle completely only injured its passengers refusing to mention the aforementioned terrorist y name.

Local sources in the region confirmed that at least 3 of the terrorists were killed including the so-called Kriboz, whatever that name means in the Kurdish language, and that the fourth sustained severe injuries, the bodies of the killed and the injured were rushed to a hospital in nearby Raqqa province, the sources insist.

No party claimed responsibility for the attack by the time of this report, the Kurds are trying to blame it on the other US-sponsored proxy ISIS terrorists, the accused usually brags immediately about its terrorist attacks and show evidence of them.

The US-led NATO 'defensive' alliance created and sponsors several terrorist groups assigning the direct command of these terrorist groups to different parties in NATO and its client regimes across the region which in turn creates the never-ending clashes and infighting between these terrorists.

More about this latest attack in this report: Strong Explosion Kills 4 US’s Kurdish SDF Terrorists in Deir Ezzor (link in bio)

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Avatar for ArabiSouri
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Story, Blogging, ...


NATO forces fratricide, good for humanity.

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1 year ago