American Contractors Fleeing Northern Syria toward Iraq

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1 year ago
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American and other Western contractors operating illegally in northern Syria are packing their businesses and fleeing to neighboring Iraq, particularly Erbil in northern Iraqi Kurdistan province.

The development reported by multiple sources in Syria and Iraq comes amid ongoing secret talks between the US Biden's junta and the Syrian government in Oman with the mediation of two other Arab countries, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Reports leaking from the 'secretive' talks point to an unwavering Syrian position for the complete withdrawal of all US forces and contractors illegally operating in Syria before discussing any other topics that include the fate of missing US terrorists operating for the CIA under the guise of journalists believed (by the White House) to be arrested by the Syrian security, or the future of Iranian-backed armed groups in Syria.

One topic, in particular, was absolutely not present on the agenda of the US delegation which some naive analysts would think should be their top priority and that is the future of the US proxies in Syria, mainly the Kurdish SDF separatists, ISIS (ISIL - Daesh), and other al Qaeda proxy terrorists working for the USA in Syria.

The main concern for the US delegation was to stop further Syrian Resistance attacks on the illegal US military bases and businesses run by US contractors in northern Syria.

Failing to secure Syria's promise to stop the Syrian Resistance's attacks on the occupation forces and their entities, the American contractors started packing up their facilities and fleeing to the Iraqi borders followed by the other Western contractors seeing their US 'partners' fleeing and understanding the time for their looting of Syria is expiring.

More in this report: American Contractors Illegally Operating in Syria are Fleeing to Iraq. (link in bio)

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