Man has three duites duty towards Allah,duty towards parents and duty towards mankind. So students have certain duties to the society in which they live.
Students in our country can give free services in different spheres of our national life. Most of the people of our country are illiterate . Students can open night schools and teach the illiterate people . They can remove illiteracy from our country . During the vacation they can go to villages and tech the village people .
Student's services are necessary in the field of our national health. Female students can teach the uneducated women how to keep their houses neat and clean. The village people and the people living in the slums suffer from many diseases. They have no knowledge about health and environment. The students can tech them about the basic rules of the health and environment.
Our country is an agriculture country . But the farmers of of our country are illiterate. They have no idea about scientific method of cultivation. In this case students can teach the illiterate farmers.
Our country is an over populated country . Most of the village people of our country are illiterate . They are also superstitious . They have no idea about family planning. They are unwilling to accept family planning . In the regard students can render a good social service. They can explain to the illiterate village people the need for adopting family planning.
During floods and cyclones and famine students stand by the affected people. Students beg money from the rice, raise funds, save the affected people , feed the hungry nurse the sick. During epidemic medical students and other students may serve the sick .
Trees are our best friend . Trees bear a great impact on the climate . If we destroy trees at random , one day the country will turn into a great desert. Students save destroy trees random. Students has also launched a massive and ambitious programme regarding tree plantation.
Students are the servants of society. They are makers of society.