Periodic Table of Elements and Symbols

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3 years ago
Topics: Information

The periodic table, also known as the periodic table of elements, is a tabular display of the chemical elements, which are arranged by atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties. The structure of the table shows periodic trends. The seven rows of the table, called periods, generally have metals on the left and nonmetals on the right. The columns, called groups, contain elements with similar chemical behaviours. Six groups have accepted names as well as assigned numbers: for example, group 17 elements are the halogens; and group 18 are the noble gases. Also displayed are four simple rectangular areas or blocks associated with the filling of different atomic orbitals.

H - Hydrogen

He - Helium

Li - Lithium

Be - Beryllium

B - Boron

C - Carbon

N - Nitrogen

O - Oxygen

F - Fluorine

Ne - Neon

Na - Sodium

Mg - Magnesium

Al - Aluminum, Aluminium

Si - Silicon

P - Phosphorus

S - Sulfur

Cl - Chlorine

Ar - Argon

K - Potassium

Ca - Calcium

Sc - Scandium

Ti - Titanium

V - Vanadium

Cr - Chromium

Mn - Manganese

Fe - Iron

Co - Cobalt

Ni - Nickel

Cu - Copper

Zn - Zinc

Ga - Gallium

Ge - Germanium

As - Arsenic

Se - Selenium

Br - Bromine

Kr - Krypton

Rb - Rubidium

Sr - Strontium

Y - Yttrium

Zr - Zirconium

Nb - Niobium

Mo - Molybdenum

Tc - Technetium

Ru - Ruthenium

Rh - Rhodium

Pd - Palladium

Ag - Silver

Cd - Cadmium

In - Indium

Sn - Tin

Sb - Antimony

Te - Tellurium

I - Iodine

Xe - Xenon

Cs - Cesium

Ba - Barium

La - Lanthanum

Ce - Cerium

Pr - Praseodymium

Nd - Neodymium

Pm - Promethium

Sm - Samarium

Eu - Europium

Gd - Gadolinium

Tb - Terbium

Dy - Dysprosium

Ho - Holmium

Er - Erbium

Tm - Thulium

Yb - Ytterbium

Lu - Lutetium

Hf - Hafnium

Ta - Tantalum

W - Tungsten

Re - Rhenium

Os - Osmium

Ir - Iridium

Pt - Platinum

Au - Gold

Hg - Mercury

Tl - Thallium

Pb - Lead

Bi - Bismuth

Po - Polonium

At - Astatine

Rn - Radon

Fr - Francium

Ra - Radium

Ac - Actinium

Th - Thorium

Pa - Protactinium

U - Uranium

Np - Neptunium

Pu - Plutonium

Am - Americium

Cm - Curium

Bk - Berkelium

Cf - Californium

Es - Einsteinium

Fm - Fermium

Md - Mendelevium

No - Nobelium

Lr - Lawrencium

Rf - Rutherfordium

Db - Dubnium

Sg - Seaborgium

Bh - Bohrium

Hs - Hassium

Mt - Meitnerium

Ds - Darmstadtium

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Avatar for ApolloX
3 years ago
Topics: Information
