Many people dream of a bright human future. The notion of a life that will someday be all around us inspires and frightens many at the same time. Cyborgs? Robots? Could we live forever? What prognosis do scientists give when thinking about the future of man, and in what technology they see a lot of promise, we will find out right now.
Smart prosthetics is already showing great results in medicine. And what will happen when scientists learn how to use different types of implants to treat illnesses?
People will have a chance to live life to the fullest with diseases that now seem to be limiting. Various chips implanted in the body already allow us to control blood sugar levels and other indicators, let alone what achievements this technology will achieve in the future. There are plans to use special brain implants to restore memory, a technology that is also under active development. So perhaps the man of the future will have a perfect memory and will conquer the ailments associated with it.
Consciousness transference
In theory, we could learn to transfer consciousness into another person's body. Yes, that sounds like complete insanity. It sounds more like the plot of a sci-fi book or a Black Mirror series. However, scientists are indeed working in this direction, exploring the possibility of copying neural networks. So far, the experiments are conducted only on algae, but experts see positive dynamics.
We can only speculate about the future of man, but the recent discoveries of scientists from various fields are certainly impressive. What would you like your life to be like in about fifty years?
Genome editing
We have long used genome editing to breed the animals or plants we want. This technology makes it possible to achieve the desired results with a minimum of effort. People want to use this technology for other purposes. For example, for medical purposes. Genetic engineering is actively developing and helping to cure diseases that are transmitted by inheritance. Genetic engineering literally helps to edit bad genes and avoid or prevent the development of a disease at the embryonic stage.
With gene editing, as one might guess, we can not only avoid unpleasant diseases, but also correct eye and hair color. Thus, with the proper development of genetic engineering, we will be able to predict what a person will be like and directly influence it. How the genome is already changing without external intervention can be read here. It is unknown how else the technology will be used, but it is clear that there will be more healthy people in the world. See how people will soon learn how to manipulate human genes and what diseases can be cured with this technology.