I don't print them - why can't we just print and hand out money to everyone?

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3 years ago

Economic crises, the Great Depression, poverty, and hunger are all consequences of the complexities of the world economic system and the lack of money. Everyone has thought at least once about how easily all problems could have been solved if money had simply been printed in unlimited quantities. No one would need anything, there would be no destruction and no wars, right? Not at all.

The curse of the system.

We are all, in one way or another, involved in a world economic system from which there is no escaping. Originally, money made life very easy for people - they no longer needed to exchange specific goods to meet their needs. Later, people began to focus on gold. Gold reserves were considered a measure of the economy. However, the world realized that everything was shaky: in the thirties of the last century, the supply of gold for sale in America declined. Thus came the Great Depression, followed by the global economic crisis.

It is the Central Bank that regulates the circulation of money in the country. It studies how much goods and services are produced and how much is consumed, and based on this it issues currency into circulation. If money is just printed in huge quantities, the bank will not be able to distribute it anyway.

Is It Worth Trying

However, if the state is doing fine with the economy, the introduction of additional bills will help reduce the prices of loans and goods.

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3 years ago
