The Anunnaki

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3 years ago
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The cosmological controversy regarding the translation of various ancient languages, including ancient Sumerian, which states that the Anunnaki gods are ancient aliens or more commonly referred to as ancient astronauts from outer space that have existed since time immemorial.

Of the many artifacts in the area where they came and landed which is called the Mesopotamia area (now the Persian Gulf or Iraq), the Anunnaki have lived on earth since 6000 years BC. Even crazy there are some researchers who estimate it lived since 350,000 years ago.

The Anunnaki which are also transcribed as: Anunaki, Anunna, Anunnaku (singular), Ananaki, and other variations, are a group of gods in ancient Mesopotamian culture.

Mesopotamia included Sumer, Akkadian, Assyria, and Babylon, and in the past formed a similar empire called the Anunnaki Empire.

The name Mesopotamia has been used by ancient Greek and Latin writers, such as Polybius (2nd century BC) and Strabo (60 BC-20 AD). The name Mesopotamia (now the territory of Iraq) comes from Ancient Greek which means land between rivers, because the area is located between two major rivers.

The two rivers are the Euphrates River and the Tigris River, so this area is very fertile. With a long and narrow area of ​​fertile land shaped like a crescent moon, this area is also known as the Fertile Crescent.

This fertile land gave birth to many great ancient civilizations, collectively known as the Mesopotamian civilizations. It is the earliest civilization in West Asia and one of the oldest in the world.

The quest for Monatomic Gold on Earth by the Anunnaki and other aliens

Ancient astronauts named Anunnaki landed in the Mesopotamia area because the area has a lot of gold deposits known as monatomic gold, where the wealth of mines is in the waters of the area.

Currently, monatomic gold is also known to exist in the waters of Hawaii, Pacific. The metal that is still mixed with water is believed to delay aging in the human body or other living things.

In addition, monatomic gold is known as the best semi-conductor metal material, meaning that when this metal is flowed with an electric current it does not produce the slightest heat, or in other words, this metal is able to conduct electricity very well, aka it does not inhibit energy and electric current at all.

In the human body there is also a flow of electricity, such as in brain cells, internal organs, and nerve networks in the body. This means that if this monatomic gold is in the human body, then the human organs will be able to circulate natural electricity in the body very, very optimally, as if being upgraded.

Besides being optimal, the work of the brain and all body tissues can also be much better at circulating electricity in the body, therefore it will make the organs more durable and can live long. And besides, the brain can remember better. That way, humans can understand problems and solve problems better.

So, monatomic gold can make memory better and make intuition even telepathic better. Manuis will be able to detect crime and evil in a certain condition, can detect lies in others, and can perform telepathic powers more sharply, can even time travel in the mind.

In the past, monatomic gold was not only fought over by the Anunnaki, but also by the Saurian aliens who were often called Reptioids because of their reptilian appearance.

Also the Agharians aliens or what is often called the Nordic because they resemble Caucasians with blonde and whitish hair, as well as The Gray aliens from the Zeta-Reticula constellation which is famous to this day with large eyes, gray bodies and short stature.

All of these extra-terrestrial creatures came to earth in the past with the same goal, namely to find the monatomic gold which is considered very, very valuable to them.

Monatomic gold cannot just be obtained from the waters in the sea, but must be extracted or separated from water in some way to become pure monatomic gold, because the monatomic gold used only has a single particle as the name suggests monatomic which means: mono-atomic which means single weight. Whereas there are sister atoms consisting of more than one atom, they must be separated.

After becoming pure, then monatomic gold will be obtained. Usually still in the form of white to brownish white powder, which can then be used as needed. Meanwhile, sister atoms that are grouped or more than one atom, become Uranium-235.

Mining workers were needed by the Anunnaki

To carry out mining on Earth, the Anunnaki needed a lot of workers, or roughly slaves to help facilitate monatomic gold mining work on Earth.

Faced with this problem, the Anunnaki created a new species. The only way is to carry out genetic engineering with the help of genes and the DNA of the ancestors of humans homo erectus at that time, where the DNA is manipulated and modified, which is now often referred to as genetic engineering.

Modern human engineering was carried out, the Anunnaki took DNA from the rib of one of the Homo Erectus, because the rib is an organ that is easily removed and will not cause much damage, and is rich in DNA content.

In this way, the Anunnaki then extracted and manipulated the DNA from the male Homo Erectus rib, which they later named Adamsky. Then the DNA from the modified male Homo Erectus was then implanted in the female Homo Erectus which they named Mulva.

After Mulva had children or offspring, his children became Homo Erectus which was much more civilized, intelligent, and unpretentious, or what was known as Homo Sapiens. Because of their intelligence, they were able to assist the Anunnaki in mining monatomic gold.

The Anunnaki mined this monatomic gold for several years. After finishing mining the monatomic gold which the Anunnaki thought was very, very valuable, they then returned, flew into space, and the workers or slaves they had raised, they just left on planet earth until they had children.

Since then, the Anunnaki have been considered the gods of early civilization in the Mesopotamian region, especially the Sumerians and beyond. Then they wrote and drew the events of that era in inscriptions called tablets which numbered in the thousands. However, most of the artifacts had been stolen, and most were damaged and destroyed over time.

The research was conducted by a person named Zecharia Sitchin

One well-known researcher is Zecharia Sitchin, the author of a Russian-American book that explains the origins of humans involving ancient astronauts.

Zecharia Sitchin, an ancient linguist who has given a different view in the scientific world about the interpretation of ancient writing. Not only a prominent archaeologist, Sitchin was also a great, maybe even the best, analyst of ancient culture.

Sitchin attributes the creation of ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki or Nephilim, according to which he was a race of extraterrestrials or extra-terrestrial beings, from a planet that now has an orbital line far beyond Neptune, which is called the planet Nibiru. He asserts that Sumerian mythology shows that the hypothetical planet Nibiru is in a long elliptical orbit about the sun that is 3,600 years around the sun.

Many scientists, historians and archaeologists find his speculations strange, questioning the translation of ancient texts and his understanding of physics.

Zecharia Sitchin has received a lot of criticism and sharp questions about his belief that humans are part of alien research (Anunnaki). A concept that implies that the Anunnaki are human creators, this is very contrary to religious beliefs on earth.

Sitchin's books have sold a large number of duplicates worldwide and have been converted into in excess of 25 dialects. In 1976, Sitchin released his first book entitled The Twelfth Planet which made a big question mark in historical records. This book links the complex calendar of Stonehenge and the ruins of Tiahuanaco in Peru to the ancient culture of the Sumerians, which are directly related to the Anunnaki.

Zecharia Sitchin's opinion on the Sumerians

The Sumerians or Sumers were an ancient civilization and one of the earliest in southern Mesopotamia, in present-day southern Iraq, during the Chalcolithic (copper age) and early bronze ages.

Although the earliest specimens in this area are no more than around 2500 BC, modern historians argue that Sumer was permanently inhabited from about 5500 to 4000 BC by pre-Semitic or non-Semitic people who communicated in the Sumerian language.

These prehistoric people are now referred to as the proto-Euphrates or Ubaid People, who are thought to have evolved from the Samarra culture in Northern Mesopotamia (Assyria). They are used to farming and already have an irrigation system. Their buildings are made of mud. They adhere to polytheism.

The Sumerians were the first to inhabit the Mesopotamian region, so the Sumerians deserve to be called the natives of Mesopotamia. The Sumerians originated from Asia Minor around 3,500 years BC.

Initially, these cities were independent cities, so they were called city states. Then there was a war between these cities and the losers would become the subordinates of the victorious city which over time gave rise to the royal government system.

The Sumerians, which are believed to have existed since 350 thousand years ago, reached their heyday when led by King Ur-Nammu. However, around 2,300 BC, the Sumerians were conquered by Akkadia under King Sargon

Sumer has 140 kings, this is evidenced by the discovery of an artifact bearing the Cuneiform tablet containing a list of Sumerian kings (whom they call gods), circa 2400 BC. Crazy, among the kings of Sumer there were kings that were up to 36000 years old.

There are many artifacts found around this Sumerian civilization. One type of artifact is referred to as a clay cylinder. Sitchin has broken more than 2,000 clay cylinders from ancient earth that remained in the Persian Gulf since 6,000 years ago.

Some of the fragments date back to 4,000 BC, one of the fragments in Germany indicating that Earth is the seventh planet. And the time frame here is very ancient, four thousand years before modern astronomy acknowledged the existence of the planet Pluto.

Sitchin said that early humans did not come from Earth, but from a planet called Nibiru. The division or conflict that occurred caused Annunaki to finally leave planet Earth, leaving humans to fend for themselves.

Early humans would never have the ability to travel between the stars like their creators, nor would they have an eternal creation.

Sitchin's investigations suggest that there may be evidence in orbit around Mars that humans may have been there. The reasons Sitchin was motivated to read the Cuneiform Tablet included the word Nephilim, which is mentioned as a mysterious group in the Old Testament. The Nephilim are translated as those who came down.

Sitchin concluded that the placement of the pyramids indicated that the pyramids were in the direction of the Annunaki after entering Earth's atmosphere from outer space. Sitchin also confirmed that the early pyramids were not designed by the Egyptians. The Sphinx is known to be 2,000 years older than previously thought. This corroborates Sitchin's finding that other creatures designed the Egyptian pyramids.

The god of the ancient Sumerians, Anunnaki

It is thought that the Anunnaki were the gods of the Sumerians, and were considered to be Android Creatures who helped them. At the same time today, UFOs and aliens are thought to have a bearing on the Anunnaki's description of the Android creature.

In 1927 a British archaeologist, Leonard Woolley found the tomb of Queen Puabi who has a large skull size in an ancient city called Ur which was also in the Mesotopamia region at that time.

In the past, there have been discoveries of large skulls in ancient graves, which are identical to and similar to Queen Puabi from Mesopotamia, such as the Pharaoh king in Ancient Egypt to the mummified skull in Peru which is also bigger than the skull of an ordinary human.

This could be one proof, and it could be indicated that they come from the same sibling, not purely human genetics, but from the result of interbreeding or a hybrid of Anunnaki descent, or maybe they are pure descendants of the Anunnaki themselves. Findings across the archaeological world can make the clear assumption that they didn't look like humans, more like the Anunnaki.

It is as if they are depicted as ancient human figures, similar in the majority of cases of abductions by aliens who have similar stories. The aliens are kidnapping, and they will carry out medical experiments, and sometimes experiments related to human reproduction.

Sumerian culture has existed since 6000 BC, is the oldest culture on earth. Even today humans still use the same mathematical system, the same calendar and time.

Where at that time was older than recorded history. Evidence dating back 6,000 B.C. leaves a similar historical record of what they had back then, and what we have today.

Anunnaki Live on Planet Nibiru?

The Sumerians described Planet Nibiru, which the Babylonians called Planet Marduk as the 10th planet so far from Earth, about 30,000,000,000 miles (about 30 billion miles) that made it difficult for scientists and astronomers to search in space.

The Sumerians already had extraordinary knowledge of the solar system, and considered their Gods descending to Earth. They also say another being that is described in terms of an Android being.

The Sumerians said that the Anunnaki had helpers who often performed various tasks with flying saucers (spacecraft), or were assisted with other necessities. The Sumerians immediately explained that our Maid is not alive, but that they are acting.

The Sumerians wrote in Cuneiform text on stone what happened during the encounter with the Android Creature. They tell about God's messengers who help in various ways, maybe they (humans on Earth) were created by the Anunnaki to supervise the experiments they did on earth.

In short, the Anunnaki made a hybrid human race (Race Cross) between the Anunnaki race and the human race through DNA and genetic engineering, to be used as slaves or subordinates to the Anunnaki as workers on Earth.

If the Anunnaki are the Sumerian gods spoken of in all ancient texts, thousands of artifacts and even modern Bibles, then there is a possibility that apart from creating humans, they could also create aliens from the Android Race type which is also theirs. maid, who was known at this time. as the Gray Alien as his slave.

In defending the opinion that the Anunnaki actually existed on the planet Nibiru (which is now called planet X, because it is thought to have no name), they would have created humans using thousands of genetically engineered results from kidnapping, it makes sense that they would be attracted to mankind. which might be one of their experiments.

The alien analysis and description of people who claim to have been kidnapped, some aliens are described as small gray creatures with large eyes, round heads, and behave almost like Sumerian Androids. Namely aliens of the Gray type.

There is an opinion from researchers stating that the Anunnaki went to earth to mine the planet's natural products, one of which is gold as the best semiconductor material for electronics.

After the Anunnaki mission and objectives on Earth were completed, the human hybrid was abandoned by them. Then the Anunnaki were designated as gods who came down from the sky.

Sitchin actually gave all the secrets of this research. Nearly all ancient languages ​​have been translated, and 22 Hebrew letters contain information that produces a light-based system.

An understanding of the torodial force field, the Fibonacci sequence, fractals and vector topology, has been expressed in the language of mathematics. For those who believe in the legends of Atlantis and Lemuria, they are no longer in fantasy, but believe in the efforts of other races to survive on planet Earth.

Earth takes one year to orbit the sun and according to Sitchin, the planet Nibiru takes 3,600 years. So, one Annunaki year is equal to 3,600 Earth years.

An unanswered cosmological question, is it true that Sitchin's belief through his translation is to prove that the Anunnaki were really ancient aliens or ancient astronauts who later became gods for the Sumerians?

The results of this study are still subject to radical controversy, but there is clear evidence of these artifacts, and there are thousands of them in what was once known as Mesopotamia and beyond. Many other researchers consider it only pseudo science and also pseudo history.

The history of the Anunnaki may be a myth in the past. However, as proof, when viewed from the artifacts of past civilizations from various parts of the world, it is stated that flying creatures that came down to earth did exist.

Not only in Sumeria or Mesopotamia, the existence of flying creatures also existed in various other ancient civilizations, such as the ancient Greek civilizations, ancient Rome, ancient Egypt, ancient Maya civilization and other civilizations stated that these creatures were like descending from heaven. So, along with the discovery of many artifacts in various parts of the world and the sophistication of technology, maybe now is not a myth anymore, but has happened in the past.

Since Zecharia Sitchin as a researcher who has been an expert in this field for decades died in 2012, this conspiracy has continued to this day.

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3 years ago
Topics: Work, Ideas, Words, Blog, News


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3 years ago

Nice Writing

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3 years ago

Anunnaki can be our worst enemies or best companion in space ! thank you!

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3 years ago

Good ! Salute to this.

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Splendid talent you have.Please check my I.D

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Great writing skills.. keep it up😉💮

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Grazie! Saluti by kork75!

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Thank you Kork..

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3 years ago

That's so interesting..... Good writing skills🙂

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Good job😎

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This is really incredible, thanks for this

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was always interested in aliens,pls post more about these subscribed and liked

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Thank you Khant.. have a nice day

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Thank you, I like the name on your username. Very mystical. hahaha

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Haha 😂

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