Yesterday's home match of my team.

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2 years ago

Yesterday, for the first time in four years, I was able to go to a home match my team played and it was awesome!

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My club (Mijn Cluppie!)

My team, in the Dutch Keukenkampioen Divisie (the second-highest league in the Nation) football league, is NAC Breda. I've been a supporter since i can remember.

I have NAC tattooed on my right leg:

with the year the club was founded underneath:

The name of the club is an abbreviation by the way. It means:

Nooit Opgeven Altijd Doorgaan - Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning - Combinatie

It used to be the longest club name in professional football on earth for decades (until some Korean club took that crown. lol)

So yeah, I've got yellow, black blood in my veins. LOL!

I've always had season tickets so I could go to every home match they played.

That is until four years ago when the budget got so low the L changed into an N.

I couldn't go anymore, for four long years...

UNTIL YESTERDAY! It was like coming home into the embrace of a loving family. And it was an awesome match! We won 3 - 0 of ADO Den Haag.

Here are some pictures and vids to give you an idea of how it was:

This was the view before the match started.

The first goal was within 3 minutes! That kicked things off nicely!!

Then a rainbow came to watch our team play!

And the camera is somewhat bad, but there was a second rainbow soon:

Then we got a penalty when Seun of God (Ralph Seuntjes) was tackled in the penalty area:

We sing a favorite song, "The love shall not sink as long as the love continues to exist"

But on that first video, as the penalty was scored, that explosion of emotion, did you feel it? Because THAT is one of the biggest reasons I keep going to matches. The singing in video two and the beer drinking and everything else is also some things I love, but the biggest thing is always that emotion, that passion that is released like a thermonuclear bomb going off when our team scores, especially in difficult moments or matches.... That is indescribable and priceless.

The next match is in two weeks, and then my best mate has a season ticket too!

thanks for reading this! Stay safe and stay happy!


$ 0.81
$ 0.81 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for AnonSunamun
2 years ago


The ambiance of the tribune is very different and doubles the viewing pleasure of the match. Being a fan is important, you can show your passion only by accompanying the songs in the stands.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But being a Club with.... less than stellar leadership and funding, the times when you're watching the teams losing its 5th consecutive match are just as important. THAT is when the supporters can and do make the difference. Where those with love for the club still attend the matches and shout their team on, and give them the energy to fight for the win.

$ 0.00
2 years ago