Talking to my computer. Who's more drunk?

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2 years ago

I did an experiment, a spontaneous one, to test the speech to text technology today. I have used 3 different services, 2 sites and one client like app, to transcribe my words into text. Whatever the service made of it I shall paste unedited. I also accidentally had one Dutch language dictation service connected and its transcription is also posted unedited.

From here no keyboard was used.

OK, let's see if this works now.

I'm going to type a text without actually touching my keyboard. Whatever the computer understands is what you're going to read in the article.

As far as I know it's its the first article on read cash that has done this completely without touching the keyboard.

Hopefully it will be not for you to give the look and maybe even a like.

So what we're going to talk about.

Yeah, that's a good question.

Maybe I should have thought of that before.


It's about the war in the Ukraine.

Or we could talk about something happy. But now I'm thinking I can't think of anything happy.

Oh, except for the fact that I've still got some beers here.

Baby up.

fundle the options and stroke some sliders to hopefully get more interesting transcription.

At this point i switched to another service. From her no keyboard was used

OK, let's see if this is working now. I'm going to type a text without actually touching my keyboard, whatever the computer understands is what you're going to read in the article. As far as I know it's it's the first article on read cash that has done this completely without touching the keyboard. Hopefully it will be.

Not for you to give the look and maybe even a like. So what we're going to talk about. Yeah, that's a good question. Maybe I should have thought of that before. Oh. It's about the war in the Ukraine. Or we could talk about something happy. But now I'm thinking I can't think of anything happy. Oh, except for the fact that I've still got some beers here. Baby up. I wonder if there's a. You know the maximum number of words for these things. For the free training the transcriptions.

I guess we're going to find out because I guess I'm gonna have to keep talking until this thing stops. Was scribbling things and whatever it is it's scribbling in. It is time to tell you. Cool about doom, John. Since a couple of years I've been dabbling with, you know. The whole and. I built myself a new still. And today, have done the second run of some stuff. No. Is. Exceptional. Be proud of. So. In the future for my. Thanks. Is that I'm gonna take everything I've distilled in the first from the first match. Throw it back into the still. You know. Make it less. Alcohol and then run it again. So I get a more pure taste. Percentage of alcohol, hopefully above. Percent mark. Then it will be the first time in five years. Do shine.

The real do shine. Is back on this planet. And I can't wait to see the first guy. Sure, dude. Dig in the gulf. And seeing him passed out. That's that always gives me a kick. So we catch people. What do you think? Is this a success or should I just keep my hands on the keyboard and my microphone turned off? I can see this having a future and it's going to take kind of an attitude shift from. Writers. Yeah, I can see this working for me. But also. Less aware. The form and the grammar and things like that. And quickly become less formal than I should be. In some cases, I think because. Once I get going talking, it's like I'm talking to somebody. Like I'm talking to you, old friend. Or something like that. I don't know.

Somehow a Dutch service came up to listen: no keyboard yada yada....

Hoop dan wel heftig Say Presently surprised. Oh, Dat is weer het Nederlands. Oké, doe het Nederlands kan ook. Sta ik wel even vollständig, dan denk je. Vol. Vol. Volgens relatief Natuurlijk. Ja normaal heb. Niet met het omschakelen van Engels, hier staan ze naar het Nederlands, maar. Ik heb nou even een Nederlandse vrouw anders te zeggen. Beter is Als het niet meeleest met het. Met de teksten speech die die de computer ervoor maakt was. Die kinderkoor. Maar we. Dus de hulp van het interwebs erbij pakken. Hallo. OK het overschakelen van de ene winner na de andere winnende vindt. Deze vindt deze website niet leuk, maar goed. 

Ja oké, Als we dan toch een Nederlands gaan doen, dan gaan we toch lekker eventjes over daarboven lullen. 


Want Dat is eigenlijk die moeilijk te beantwoorden is bij voor de boer of bij de tegen de boeren. Om die ken je niet, Maar dat antwoordde met met de vraag, hoe ben je voor stikstof of tegen stikstof? 

Dat denk ik niet gewoon hoog voor stikstof zou zijn. Maar ja. Niet graden, is het Nederland wel een land? Dat. Geschikt is om. Om ja om de hond te landbouwer. De landbouwer, radijs. Want ja. Als je kijkt op de wereld. Letterlijk gewoon een speldenknop. Dan mogen ze of we dat? Het zou gewoon de de de de grenslijn. Ja. Bobbelen de grenslijn kunnen zijn. Die grens hadden geweest. Ik moet wel zeggen, zo te zien trucs die transcriptie software op de achtergrond lekker door. Heeft ie alles goed pakt, want Ik ga het echt niet wezen, want er waren In de war, maar. Wat we hier dus dan zometeen hebben, is Misschien wel het eerste. Dat volledig is. Geschreven Zonder aanraken van een toetsenbord. Misschien. Misschien.

Of wat een aantal. Ja, Als het toch weer verder? Volgende week dominee ter. Oh, want ik zet er zo naar uit te kijken. Dat wil je niet weten, daar vertel ik het ook. Ook 3 dagen dominee. 3 party een party en afterparty gaan we gewoon lekker heftige. Ik denk ook wel dat mijn los gaat tenminste ja. 

Nou mogelijk uit, want zo makkelijk is 35 graden gaan kun je gaan worden, zie je ze. Dus ja 35 graden is het nou niet echt de meest ideale temperatuur? Dat stuiten. Gek ik zie wel dat die auto trekt. Die af en toe wel een beetje moeite heeft. Mijn gebrabbel. Laten we deze.

 Rust geven.

And an application that does dictation. LOL. No keyboards were harmed during..... o.O

I can't explain it too well, but. I don't think this would work to to to write, for example a manual for something or any official diplomatic pieces I don't think would work. Always voice to text. But. I can see myself, you know, writing stuff like this and then just simply editing the the small number of errors in the.

I also know that I can better turn off things like auto correct and and and the likes of because that might clip some words from from the. Because of my staggered way of talking, my sudden silences that I'm tend to drop, you know, and those those really aren't Kirk impersonations.

Or whatever the **** you call the stuff that.

Yeah, I can officially say that this doom shot does. An altered state of mind is consumed in enough volume. And well, if you don't get that. One question. You don't think about it because you know it's gonna be. Oh, for those users who were thinking, hey, does he? Does he sound like he's, you know, a bit rambling and. Was it all coherent what he's saying? Very perceptive. And yeah, you're gonna be alright in the future.

Oh shoot, i've switched by accident, this one only eats Dutch....


Hoop dan wel heftig Say Presently surprised. 

Oh, Dat is weer het Nederlands. 

Oké, doe het Nederlands kan ook. 

Sta ik wel even vollständig, dan denk je. Vol. Vol. Volgens relatief Natuurlijk. 

Ja normaal heb. Niet met het omschakelen van Engels, hier staan ze naar het Nederlands, maar. Ik heb nou even een Nederlandse vrouw anders te zeggen. Beter is Als het niet meeleest met het. Met de teksten speech die die de computer ervoor maakt was. Die kinderkoor. 

Maar we. Dus de hulp van het interwebs erbij pakken. 

Hallo. OK het overschakelen van de ene winner na de andere winnende vindt. Deze vindt deze website niet leuk, maar goed. Ja oké, Als we dan toch een Nederlands gaan doen, dan gaan we toch lekker eventjes over daarboven lullen. Ja. Want Dat is eigenlijk die moeilijk te beantwoorden is bij voor de boer of bij de tegen de boeren. Om die ken je niet, Maar dat antwoordde met met de vraag, hoe ben je voor stikstof of tegen stikstof? 

Dat denk ik niet gewoon hoog voor stikstof zou zijn. Maar ja. Niet graden, is het Nederland wel een land? Dat. Geschikt is om. Om ja om de hond te landbouwer. De landbouwer, radijs. Want ja. Als je kijkt op de wereld. Letterlijk gewoon een speldenknop. Dan mogen ze of we dat? Het zou gewoon de de de de grenslijn. Ja. Bobbelen de grenslijn kunnen zijn. Die grens hadden geweest. Ik moet wel zeggen, zo te zien trucs die transcriptie software op de achtergrond lekker door. 

Heeft ie alles goed pakt, want Ik ga het echt niet wezen, want er waren In de war, maar. Wat we hier dus dan zometeen hebben, is Misschien wel het eerste. Dat volledig is. Geschreven Zonder aanraken van een toetsenbord. Misschien. Misschien. Of wat een aantal. Ja, Als het toch weer verder? Volgende week dominee ter. Oh, want ik zet er zo naar uit te kijken. Dat wil je niet weten, daar vertel ik het ook. 

Ook 3 dagen dominee. 3 party een party en afterparty gaan we gewoon lekker heftige. Ik denk ook wel dat mijn los gaat tenminste ja. Nou mogelijk uit, want zo makkelijk is 35 graden gaan kun je gaan worden, zie je ze. Dus ja 35 graden is het nou niet echt de meest ideale temperatuur? Dat stuiten. Gek ik zie wel dat die auto trekt. Die af en toe wel een beetje moeite heeft. Mijn gebrabbel. Laten we deze. Rust geven.

*back switching to English (wannabe) language dictiation service.*

Well, OK, I've just had a look at what the dictation.

Spewed out and text and.

That's not gonna cut it.

Anytime soon, either because. Pretty much unreadable.

Shed light skin that's coming out and. There is a small, tiny, improbable. Ability. Not my fault, because I might be slurring a bit.

English is not my native language.

You know things like that and.

I've got a. You know what we call a dry buckish. Andrew Womack. Well, I've got a dry mouth. So let me take a sip here. Oh, that was good. Yeah, that was real good. We. Yeah, the. Drunk just now.

I don't think it's going to be any. Positive influences on the correctness of the dictations.


Either that or. Flawless in a minute.

So the dictations software and services. As up to par as they should be to be released into the wild.

Is that for do shine on the other hand?

Even the first one you know, means cut. The first one main cut is very well drinkable. Is between 60 and 70%. So it will definitely kick you. And uh. You know, gives you options.

you can just drink it. I'm not enough of it about. Oh, 10 liters, 7 liters at 10 liters. Would you get then is why is whole? But Umm. People decades later will still talk about. Yeah, that's not, but that's a story for another. Thank you for reading this. DC and stay happy. This wasn't an unknown Sudan moons.

$ 2.26
$ 2.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
