Still feel BCH's best is yet to come.

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1 year ago
Topics: Confidence, Cash, Goals, Future, Tips, ...

Bitcoin Cash, often referred to as BCH, is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2017 as a result of a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain. It was designed to offer a faster and more scalable alternative to Bitcoin, with lower transaction fees and larger block sizes.

Success, but unsuccessfully.

Over the years, Bitcoin Cash has faced significant competition from other cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum and Litecoin, and has fallen out of the top ten list of most valuable cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

Come back?

However, in 2023, Bitcoin Cash is expected to make a comeback and regain its position in the top ten list. This is because the BCH community has been working on implementing several key upgrades to the network, such as increasing the block size to 32MB and implementing the Schnorr signature algorithm. These upgrades are expected to significantly improve the scalability and performance of the BCH network, making it more attractive to users and investors.


Additionally, Bitcoin Cash is expected to benefit from the growing trend of businesses and institutions adopting cryptocurrencies. As more and more companies begin to accept BCH as a form of payment, it is likely to increase in value and adoption, helping it to take the place of BTC on the top ten list.

BitcoinCash (BCH) is a popular cryptocurrency that was created in 2017 as a fork of the original Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain. BCH was designed to offer faster and cheaper transactions than BTC, which has become increasingly slow and expensive due to its limited block size and high fees.

BCH is better but it's not doing as well.

Despite its potential advantages, BCH has struggled to regain its position in the top ten crypto currency list, falling behind other popular cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Binance Coin. However, in 2023, BCH is expected to make a comeback and reclaim its place as one of the top cryptocurrencies.

The upgrade is coming but its adoption BCH needs

One of the main reasons for BCH's expected resurgence is the upcoming upgrade to its network. In May 2023, BCH will undergo a major protocol upgrade that will increase its block size to 32MB, allowing for faster and more efficient transactions. This upgrade will also introduce new features such as smart contracts and atomic swaps, making BCH more versatile and competitive with other cryptocurrencies.

Additionally, BCH is expected to benefit from the increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies by mainstream institutions and businesses. As more and more companies begin to accept BCH as a payment option, demand for the cryptocurrency will likely increase, leading to a rise in its value and popularity.

So the target is the top 10, and we'll hit that target, i know it.

In summary, with its upcoming network upgrade and increasing adoption, BCH is expected to regain its position in the top ten crypto currency list and potentially even take the place of BTC as the dominant cryptocurrency in 2023.

Thank you for reading this.

Stay safe and stay happy!


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Avatar for AnonSunamun
1 year ago
Topics: Confidence, Cash, Goals, Future, Tips, ...


Yeah, the best of BCH is yet to come. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Praying for the best comeback of bchπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

$ 0.00
1 year ago