Replying to Justanny's Article "what's an unpopular opinion you have"

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Avatar for AnonSunamun
2 years ago

There must be something wrong with the way my brain is wired, or maybe isn't wired, when I think about why in the name of all that's scientific I am so compelled to write this article!

I don't have the slightest clue as to why I feel compelled to do this but I can not, not write this reply.

It's mainly in your first unpopular opinion. Your view seems a bit narrow and reading through the first part of the article, I can't escape the sense that you're, deliberately or not, refusing or ignoring some big glaring issues with the way you view and interact (or rather don't interact) with people you consider to be beautiful.

One obvious thing for example is you don't seem to differentiate between beautiful people types. There are those for example who are simply beautiful and, without asking for it and certainly without expecting or demanding it, get things or have less required from them.

And I'm possibly sad for you if what I think is going on is accurate. The reason that I am possibly sad for you is (contrary to what you think I was going to say) because you might be missing out on what you might want most in your life.

Oooh, cryptic isn't it?

makes you curious about what the fax machine I am going on about doesn't it?

(bloody well hope so, because if it doesn't I'm a much worse writer than even I thought I was. :D

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So where was I? Ah yes, in my chair behind my computer in the Netherlands.... ;)


Let me explain:

Have you ever thought about what it is like for someone born beautiful, intelligent and maybe even wealthy, and privileged? How you're raised, and grow up being told time and time again you're beautiful, being treated differently from "Normies" let alone "Yuckies"? What it's like when you're intelligent, want to learn, want to excel in something you're good at but no one takes you seriously when you say that...

And even when you somehow do manage to get good t something, it doesn't matter, because everyone still only approaches and interacts with you based on your looks?

How it must be when you're targetted by "normies" and "Yuckies" all the time because they're not getting the things you're getting, regardless if you've earned what you get or not.

That you're usually outnumbered in conflict situations 5 to 1 even if you've managed to find some friends that stand by you, who most likely do so because they experience the same thing and are beautiful too?

How it must be to realize later on in life may be, that if you'd not clicked together with other "beauties", things might've been different. Because being outnumbered forced you to gain an advantage over the "Opposing click, or social group" by something other than strength or power...

Yes, i am serious!

Because you would never be powerful enough to overcome the "opposite side" strength from numbers. So you turned to the power of beauty, and how beauty lets you manipulate a lot of people into giving in to your requests, or into being more tolerant to bad things you either do or have others do for you.

Or have you ever considered the power that comes to beautiful from some people who are mindlessly willing to go through a lot, just to be near you, in the hope that whatever good befalls you spills over onto them? Or at least hope that the bad things that befall all others, but not on you, by being near to you will shield them from that bad thing so it happens to them a little less than it does everyone else?

Oh boy, I've scrolled up just a bit and "DAYUM!" I sure have gone off on this subject, haven't I?

Yes, I have...

But what I'm trying to say is that the way beautiful people are is, for a very large part, because of the way other people... because of the way YOU... interact with them, treat them and think about them.

I know many beautiful people, and I actually spend a lot of time with beautiful people. And believe me, that has nothing to do with my beauty because I am everything except beautiful. Not only am I not beautiful but I am obese, old, and relentlessly honest. Yet I spend a lot of time with friends that are beautiful and do get the perks and privileges and benefits that you and I do not get.

And I'll tell you a little secret! They often would like nothing more than for you to simply talk to them and interact with them the same way that you interact with everybody else.

They would enjoy few things as much as simply having someone to talk to that does not let the way they talk to them be influenced or depend on their beauty. To know someone who likes them because they like their personality and character, or even to have someone hate them because of something they did or said instead of because of the privileges they get because of their beauty.

And I am sad that you, because of the way you think about beautiful people and treat them accordingly, do not have many friends that are beautiful people, while maybe.... just maybe.... you really would want to spend time with beautiful people, and have beautiful friends. If you would? Then you'd discover another beautiful thing:

The more you spend time with beautiful things and people the more things and people you consider beautiful (!) and the lesser things and people you consider ugly!

And when you realize that...... Wouw.... There is no greater or more awesome magic in this universe than that!

Of course, there are some, and there are more and more, beautiful people that believe the way you described. That expect to get treated better, faster, and more beneficial than those less beautiful. They may even feel it's their right to do such things because they're beautiful.

But even then, they do so because of how they're treated or told these things from the moment they were born. Because probably the only "friends" that they could make were others like them. Because that is how movies and series tell them things should be. Nobody is born with such notions and feelings, I know that much, and I know that those "bad ones" are a very tiny minority, at least for now.

And i am sad that you, because of the way you think about beautiful people and treat them accordingly, do not have many friends that are beautiful people, while maybe.... just maybe.... you really would want to spend time with beautiful people, and have beautiful friends. If you would, then you would discover another beautiful thing:

The more you spend time with beautiful things and people the more things and people you consider beautiful (!) and the lesser things and people you consider ugly!

And when you realize that...... Wow.... There is no greater or more awesome magic in this universe than that!

And dayum you've got no idea how much I want to know why the brotherducking pluck I needed to stand up and give an opposing point of view against your unpopular opinion!! I Still know not why I did what I'm about to stop doing.

Thank you for reading this.

Stay safe and stay happy!


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2 years ago
