One of the best days since 2015 part 2.

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2 years ago
Topics: Community, Life, Family, Happy, Museum, ...

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I've recovered from the exhaustion, here are some more pictures.

In the last article I kind of lost the energy to finish the article. Since then I've spent the better part of the past 4 days in bed, evidently exhausted. I'm alright now though and thought i'd give you all some more pictures of the great day I had with my son.

First picture is a printing press used by the resistance during WWII.

The next shows a sign saying Jews are unwanted, or not wished. The municipal of Rheden had a city order restricting Jews liberty of movement.

Above some documents from WWII

Above a Selfy, or an Ussy as we call them, on the way back to the bus station. I couldn't resist showing my exhaustion, over-exaggerated.

We drank Sinas Zero, supposedly Zero sugar.... but w8.....

my son took a picture of me, taking a picture of him, taking a picture of me....

So nice to have some time together, to talk and you know... sigh... mobile games...

The monument honoring the soldiers who gave their lives outside the museum.

Able Abe, the Sherman tank outside the museum at the monument.

The Soviet T34 tank (that he was allowed to climb lol)

Breaky breaky.... this is channeltje fourteen... come there is out!! Breaky breaky!!!

He asked what the little tubes beside the cannon were for.

Oddly fascinated by the engineering equipment on display.

Thank you for having a look and sharing the best day in my life since 2015 at least. The joy and happiness I gained from this day is enough to keep me going for another decade... i hope.

Stay safe and stay happy!


$ 0.62
$ 0.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jane
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Avatar for AnonSunamun
2 years ago
Topics: Community, Life, Family, Happy, Museum, ...


Your son is cute

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much! I knew that already ofcourse but i am told i am biased lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago