My Son chose a day of shameless abundance and lazyness.

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Avatar for AnonSunamun
3 years ago

Well, as I promised I'm here to tell you what my Son chose as a way of celebrating the good wind of fortune being blown our way by Marc De Mezel. He chose to go all out on luxury and laziness. He surprised me with that, as I had expected him to go for a present and a day to the beach or something. But I had promised he was boss today, and so it was.

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So we went on our way, on foot so we also got ourselves some fresh air, to the AH. Normally we go to the cheap grocery store but he wanted to feel like "the rich people" this time. As I said, he was boss today. For our entertainment, he had the BlueTooth speaker pumping the bass while we walked.

The very first thing he chose, actually he walked straight to the isle and grabbed it, was his favorite chips. Just look at the sparkle in those eyes, it's awesome!

After we got our shopping, he chose everything and went waaaaay overboard but I didn't have the heart to correct him today, we splurged on a gehaktbroodje and a kroketbroodje. Normally we don't do those from the supermarket because they're expensive but today nothing was off-limits.

So when we got home he wanted to take a picture, especially for Mr. Marc De Mezel to thank him and to show him the rich loot the reward made possible. His wish was my command:

So with the loot in our possession, we fired up our pirated Netflix and went about overdoing the snack/drinks and basically ruïne our health for just one day the rest of the day. I had one surprise left for him though. I knew he'd never had the glorious goodness of the Colonel before and i thought that if there was ever a time for introducing him to the Colonel, it would have to be today. I think his expression says he and the Colonel will be friends. ;)

And that basically concludes the day of the smile of the Son. Again I thank Mr. Marc De Mezel with all my heart. You've seen the smile of which I spoke now, you now know what it means to me. Thank you!

And thank you to the community! You're really a very nice and decent bunch! Don't let anyone tell you different!

$ 100.58
$ 100.00 from @MarcDeMesel
$ 0.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jnavedan
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Avatar for AnonSunamun
3 years ago


Wow, he looks so happy. Congratulations Sir. 🥰 You are a good father. I also wish to make my parents smile someday. I am glad I found this platform, I am able to give my parents a little amount of money while we're in pandemic and we're in lockdown. Well, it might me impossible but I wish and pray that @MarcDeMesel also visit my works. ☺️ Have a nice day to you sir and to your son.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I see how good father you are. You are indeed deserves the blessing given by @MarcDeMesel. I see how happy your son was. 🥰🥰🥰 More power amd keep safe sir. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago