It is offensive to say "Holland" meaning "The Netherlands" or "Nederland"?

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Avatar for AnonSunamun
2 years ago

Why do I care enough to write this article?

I don't care how you call my country.

I saw this discussion on Wikipedia and had also seen it before on Quora or something.


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Speaking of Wikipedia....

In fact,

Wikipedia pissed me off, they're not mentioning Brabants as a local dialect but Limburgs is? They're not done with me on that!! But that's where I saw the question again and the only reactions were "Yeah, it's totally wrong to say Holland and Dutch are really offended if you say that" and similar...

Apparently, it looks as if the Dutch are going bat-shit-crazy if you call The Netherlands" or "Nederland" by the name Holland!!

I was like "WUT really?"

Because that's a load of feces,

Feces which besides being moist, feeling warm, halfway to solid from being a liquid, and, smelling pungent enough to induce comet-vomiting,

was extracted directly and undiluted from the anus, belonging to a male specimen of the Bovine species group.

Yes, that was a very stupid way of saying BULLSHIT!

And why you may ask?

Well, allow me to provide you with the road to you coming up with the right answer yourself!


(CAlling The Netherlands "Holland" is no problem at all, no matter what some individuals say. )


So, completely without knowledge of the question or answer we easily are given the following information:

Here are a few facts, not even the most vehement opposed anti-Holland activist can deny:

The word "Holland" is used by the most Dutch of the Dutch: The Orange Legion.

The Orange Legion was started throughout the '70s and 80's by the Football fans...

oh darn…

Triggered me here.… Nice move numbnuts.…

here I go...

<breathes in>

(i refuse to call football by the American's word, so they can call a game played with an oblong spheroid (not a BALL) which 99% is only touched by the hands of the players. Call it Hand Oblong or something! WE play football, a game in which a BALL is played only with the FEET of 20 from the 22 players.…)

< breaths out, flashes from oxygen depravation>



and don't think about metric systems or anything…

there you go.…relaaaaaaxxxxx....… So.… ok, where was I?

At home between the keyboard and the back of the chair...

<Facepalm at self>


So the Orange Legion's fame was started with football and had its best known "launch" in the 1988 European Championship.

The Dutch Legion's football origins.

The Dutch sports fans' oldest, still used, supporter song that began with football but transcends the sport these days is "Hup Holland Hup"

(loosely translated)

"Hup, Holland hup Don't leave the lion in his hempie Hup, Holland hup Do not put on slippers on the beast Hup, Holland hup Don't let yourself be beaten out of the field Because the lion on football boots Can beat the whole world"


In the last few decades, however, the Orange Legion has grown to other national teams and sports championships. Everywhere there's a Dutch national representation you are likely to find at least some members of the Orange legion.

Notably though are the Dutch Orange Legion's entry onto the scene for example at the Olympics.

The Heineken Orange House, where the fans come together with the medal-winners who get cheered and honored, is legendary at least 3 Olympic cycles already. 

Other nations' athletes are often found thereafter their events are over rather than in their own national supporter's event location.

Professional World Darts

Also, the Dutch Darts players competing and winning the World Top titles and championships have completely changed the nature of podium Professional Darts forever.

Today this is the scene at a big match when something Dutch is involved. Don't believe my word, take a listen to the crowd in this match, while darts are being thrown by the players...

Before the Dutch got better at the game, this was very different. Back when the Embassy World Darts Championship was held at the Lakeside country club in Frimley Green, it was the biggest prize to win…

There, during the throwing of the darts, the crowd was expected to be silent from the moment the darter's foot touched the oché until his third dart hit the board. And so there was silence.

Check this out, a World Championship Final after a crucial leg was won by one player (skip to 2 hours 1 minute 45 seconds (in case the link doesn't work))

This was before the likes of Raymond van Barneveld, Ko Stompé, Michael van Gerwen. This was when Bert Vlaardingenbroek was the best known Dutch darter.

And Christ van Silfhout qualified for the Embassy at Lake Side's Frimley Green.… but couldn't pay for the trip, stay, food/drinks, and so on. (couldn't pay rent, let alone go to the UK)

But that's not the point right now... FOCUS!!!

Right... Holland... right...

The latest scene the Orange Legion has spectacularly made its introduction is the Formula One Championship.

Before the Italian fans, the Tifosi (Italian Ferrari Fans) were the most fanatic fans there were in Formula One. This was a Formula One fact for decades. 

Until... 2018. 

It would be three seasons in which Hamilton was World Champion, and Mercedes was almost unbeatable. But in the stands, something changed...


(skip to 0:41 if a link doesn't)

The point is, Big flag, little flags, yeeeeey. The Tifosi, silly rascals!

Then, The Orange Legion! The Dutch invaded the Formula One Public stands... 

Since that year the question has been asked many times: 

"Did the Dutch just take over from the Tifozi? Are they the best Formula One Fans?".


(Again, remember, this was 2018 when Max Verstappen was in his second year in Formula 1 and Hamilton would become World Champion 2018/19-2019/20 2020/21)

Ok, that last one showed little Holland, but the merchandise doesn't change much. Holland is the most used word for The Netherlands, with all Orange Legion merchandise and singing. That's a fact. A legion of millions of super Dutch people uses Holland all the time.

Anyway, there's a legion of general undeniable orange-colored Holland fans. No Netherlands or Nederland but Holland.

But let's see outside of sports…Does Holland trigger every Dutch person into a violent berserker rage??

Nope.…at festivals, like big music festivals or any event with many visitors and the Dutch notice there are a lot of Dutch visitors.…

You can bet on it that once, or twice during the festival, you'll hear chanting...

"Halland, Holland, Holland"

The last 4 parties (Masters of Hardcore and Thunderdome) I've witnessed myself, and there are YouTube videos of Dominator, Mysteryland, and Harmony so you can look it up if you'd like.

Official Government-funded things then?


The international tourism website for the Netherlands is located at

Nuff said I think.

So maybe there's a minority, a nanominority, that doesn't like it.

And officially they're right. North and South Holland are 2 of the 12 provinces in the Netherlands.

But to take away all doubt…let the big data do the talking. Just see what the internet says about Dutch and the word Holland. Let the masses speak for themselves, in images:

Just google holland supporters and check out the images.

Wait, let me help:

(let me google that for you).

Count how many times you see Holland

and count how many times you see Nederland or Netherlands

Compare the numbers...


and then decide!

Thank you for reading this

Stay Safe and Stay happy!Why do I care enough to write this article?

I saw this discussion on Wikipedia and had also seen it before on Quora or something.

In fact, Wikipedia pissed me off, they're not mentioning Brabants as a local dialect but Limburgs is? They're not done with me on that!! But that's where I saw the question again and the only reactions were "Yeah, it's totally wrong to say Holland and Dutch are really offended if you say that" and similar...

Apparently, it looks as if the Dutch are going bat-shit-crazy if you call The Netherlands" or "Nederland" by the name Holland!!

I was like "WUT really?"

Because that's a load of feces,

which besides being moist, feeling warm, halfway to solid from being a liquid, and smelling pungent enough to induce comet-vomiting,

was extracted directly and undiluted from the anus belonging to a male specimen of the Bovine species group.

Yes, that was a very stupid way of saying BULLSHIT!

And why you may ask?

Well, allow me to provide you with the road to you coming up with the right answer yourself! If you follow the road I point out to you, your conclusion will be:


(CAlling The Netherlands "Holland" is no problem at all, no matter what some individuals say. )


Here are a few facts, not even the most vehement opposed anti-Holland activist can deny:

The word "Holland" is used by the most Dutch of the Dutch: The Orange Legion.

The Orange Legion started throughout the '70s and 80's by the Football fans...

oh darn…

Triggered me here.… Nice move numbnuts.…

here I go...

<breathes in>

(i refuse to call football by the American's word, so they can call a game played with an oblong spheroid (not a BALL) which 99% is only touched by the hands of the players. Call it Hand Oblong or something! WE play football, a game in which a BALL is played only with the FEET of 20 from the 22 players.…)

< breaths out, flashes from oxygen depravation>



and don't think about metric systems or anything…

there you go.…relaaaaaaxxxxx....… So.… ok, where was I?

At home between the keyboard and the back of the chair...

<Facepalm at self>


So the Orange Legion's fame was started with football and had its best known "launch" in the 1988 European Championship.

The Dutch Legion's football origins.

The Dutch sports fans' oldest, still used, supporter song that began with football but transcends the sport these days is "Hup Holland Hup"

(loosely translated)

"Hup, Holland hup Don't leave the lion in his hempie Hup, Holland hup Do not put on slippers on the beast Hup, Holland hup Don't let yourself be beaten out of the field Because the lion on football boots Can beat the whole world"


In the last few decades, however, the Orange Legion has grown to other national teams and sports championships. Everywhere there's a Dutch national representation you are likely to find at least some members of the Orange legion.

Notably though are the Dutch Orange Legion's entry onto the scene for example at the Olympics.

The Heineken Orange House, where the fans come together with the medal-winners who get cheered and honored, is legendary at least 3 Olympic cycles already. 

Other nations' athletes are often found thereafter their events are over rather than in their own national supporter's event location.

Professional World Darts

Also, the Dutch Darts players competing and winning the World Top titles and championships have completely changed the nature of podium Professional Darts forever.

Today this is the scene at a big match when something Dutch is involved. Don't believe my word, take a listen to the crowd in this match, while darts are being thrown by the players...

Before the Dutch got better at the game, this was very different. Back when the Embassy World Darts Championship was held at the Lakeside country club in Frimley Green, it was the biggest prize to win…

There, during the throwing of the darts, the crowd was expected to be silent from the moment the darter's foot touched the oché until his third dart hit the board. And so there was silence.

Check this out, a World Championship Final after a crucial leg was won by one player (skip to 2 hours 1 minute 45 seconds (in case the link doesn't work))

This was before the likes of Raymond van Barneveld, Ko Stompé, Michael van Gerwen. This was when Bert Vlaardingenbroek was the best known Dutch darter.

And Christ van Silfhout qualified for the Embassy at Lake Side's Frimley Green.… but couldn't pay for the trip, stay, food/drinks, and so on. (couldn't pay rent, let alone go to the UK)

But that's not the point right now... FOCUS!!!

Right... Holland... right...

The latest scene the Orange Legion has spectacularly made its introduction is the Formula One Championship.

Before the Italian fans, the Tifosi (Italian Ferrari Fans) were the most fanatic fans there were in Formula One. This was a Formula One fact for decades. 

Until... 2018. 

It would be three seasons in which Hamilton was World Champion, and Mercedes was almost unbeatable. But in the stands, something changed...


(skip to 0:41 if a link doesn't)

The point is, Big flag, little flags, yeeeeey. The Tifosi, silly rascals!

Then, The Orange Legion! The Dutch invaded the Formula One Public stands... 

Since that year the question has been asked many times: 

"Did the Dutch just take over from the Tifozi? Are they the best Formula One Fans?".


(Again, remember, this was 2018 when Max Verstappen was in his second year in Formula 1 and Hamilton would become World Champion 2018/19-2019/20 2020/21)

Ok, that last one showed little Holland, but the merchandise doesn't change much. Holland is the most used word for The Netherlands, with all Orange Legion merchandise and singing. That's a fact. A legion of millions of super Dutch people uses Holland all the time.

Anyway, there's a legion of general undeniable orange-colored Holland fans. No Netherlands or Nederland but Holland.

But let's see outside of sports…Does Holland trigger every Dutch person into a violent berserker rage??

Nope.…at festivals, like big music festivals or any event with many visitors and the Dutch notice there are a lot of Dutch visitors.…

You can bet on it that once, or twice during the festival, you'll hear chanting...

"Halland, Holland, Holland"

The last 4 parties (Masters of Hardcore and Thunderdome) I've witnessed myself, and there are YouTube videos of Dominator, Mysteryland, and Harmony so you can look it up if you'd like.

Official Government-funded things then?


The international tourism website for the Netherlands is located at

Nuff said I think.

So maybe there's a minority, a nanominority, that doesn't like it.

And officially they're right. North and South Holland are 2 of the 12 provinces in the Netherlands.

But to take away all doubt…let the big data do the talking. Just see what the internet says about Dutch and the word Holland. Let the masses speak for themselves, in images:

Just google holland supporters and check out the images.

Wait, let me help:

(let me google that for you).

Count how many times you see Holland

and count how many times you see Nederland or Netherlands

Compare the numbers...


and then decide!

Thank you for reading this

Stay Safe and Stay happy!

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$ 4.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Talecharm
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Avatar for AnonSunamun
2 years ago
