From an article on this website to money on my bank account.

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Avatar for AnonSunamun
3 years ago

The motivation.

I've been on this platform for a while now and i have to admit to being sceptical in the beginning. Despite that scepticism i have, over the course of a couple of articles, been able to make some BCH. The only thing is that the money so far has only come from the random tipping bot and not from actual people. This got me thinking about what would be a good article (series) that would attrackt actual people to like and follow me, and get them to tip some of my work.

The hurdles.

I've noticed that, at least in the recommendations and the "hot" selection, most interest on this site is in articles relating to BCH and this platform itself. Most are howto's telling people how to make money or 101 courses on either cryptocurrency or bitcoin or something to that effect. So i decided that i would make a series of articles in which i take the reader on a journey in which we go from posting articles here to withdrawing actual "fiat" money onto a bank account.

This sounds easier than it is. The problems i expect to come across on this journey:

  • Well, the first hurdle is to get an article on this site which will result in BCH coming into my wallet here on my account. So far my articles have netted me a maximum of $8.00 for an article. You'd think "great, cash that out and you're done" but no, it's not that easy.

  • Transfer fees and exchange fees on the way to an actual bank account reduce the amount along the way meaning that if you start with $8.00 in BCH it will be less than 7 by the time it would reach the bank account if not less.

  • But it will not reach the bank account because most, if not all, exchanges require a minimum amount of fiat currency to allow it to be withdrawn, after the reduction of the fees.

  • So either the articles need to make upwards of $15.00 in BCH to be able to directly exchange the BCH into $ (or in my case: €) or i'll have to find a way to make more out of the BCH that i get for the articles through trading on an exchange, like binance or kraken.

The plan

So here's what i am going to do. I am going to write 3 articles this week. This is the first one.

I'll write another one on Thursday (not nessecarily related to this series) and another one on Saturday.

On Thuesday next week i will write an article in which i will show you what those articles made me in BCH. I will also tell you what i will do with those BCH, in detail with my expectations and the motivations for my decisions and expectations (like market prices, market movements and predictions).

These things i will then start doing over the days that follow. On the next Thuesday i shall write the final article detailing exactly what i did, how i did it and what the results of that were.

Sponsors of AnonSunamun

(Getting sponsored would help a lot ofcourse)

The hope

If all goes to plan i will be able to show you a screenshot of the actual € transfer into my bank account. If all does not go to plan i'll be showing you a screenshot of the final result, whatever that may be, even if that is me having to deposit more € into the exchange account with which i tried to trade up to reach the minimum fiat withdrawel amount and failed.

I hope this will not only be an interesting couple of articles for you to read but maybe even motivate those of you who are hesitant about either writing on this website or getting into cryptocurrency or into trading to follow in my footsteps. If i fail, it will at the very least be a lesson in what can go wrong or why you shouldn't do what i did.

Have a good week and stay healthy!!


$ 10.23
$ 10.00 from @MarcDeMesel
$ 0.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of AnonSunamun
Avatar for AnonSunamun
3 years ago


Sorry. But I've notices that you've spelled bitcoin cash ticker wrong. It is BCH

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you very much for pointing that out to me! I've edited the article to correct that. Thanks!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No problem. Great read btw

$ 0.00
3 years ago