Damn article stuck in draft!! Shoot...

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Avatar for AnonSunamun
1 year ago
Topics: Goals, Life, BCH, Culture, Memories, ...

I cannot imagine there being much people left here that know about my past. Beautiful moment to read my previous stuff, most notibly THIS ONE and it's 2 sequel articles (my most rewarded articles in my "career" on readcash.) But for this little piece the most important take away would be the awful and horrifying bad luck I've been having the past 2 decades.


Because my bad luck has been taken up a notch! I just received notice that the last issues preventing me from receiving and enjoying my compensation for the injustice done to me by the government (30k€) are almost resolved meaning i'd be able to be debt free, and no longer under curation, by this summer!!!

I received that notice 2 days before i almost (and i mean real close) died from heart failure, later to be found the result of heart valve failure.

In the old days we had sponsors. They were highlighted in blocks like these:

Sponsors of AnonSunamun

But that ended when the fund ran out.

Anywho? Who? Ani!

Yeah every time i start to think about it, it baffles me how much this seems to go beyond bad luck and into the realm of malice. Which most people would label being Karma. In my case it'd work opposite of Karma as we know superstitious folks know it works. I get more misery poured on my life the more i seem to care share and help....

New Life then?

Seems to be the only option. I've been told to watch fluids intake (as in no more than 1,5 liter per day. That's nothing! Seriously, try to tally your drink intake in a day and than add 1 liter for the moisture you take in through your food..)

I need to exercise, change every single bit of anything close to my food habits...

All i ask is one more summer, so i can spend it making memories for my son. He's 13 now, these memories will stick for the rest of his life. Whatever, I want him to have good lasting memories of me.

Thanks for reading this

Stay safe and stay happy!


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Avatar for AnonSunamun
1 year ago
Topics: Goals, Life, BCH, Culture, Memories, ...
