ChatGPT just got even better!! Gobsmacked I am!

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1 year ago
Topics: Story, Writing, Write, Reality, Technology, ...

I know that the nail to readcash's urn was the OpenAI's chatgpt, and it's capability to write almost like a human writer would/could. So an article here about that nail might not be exactly what everyone's waiting for right now.

That does not diminish the achievement OpenAI has made or how frigging awesome ChatGPT is. I just shot off some requests at it today and i must say, I am very impressed right now. The choices the AI makes and the direction it takes a story is fascinating. I started out wanting to see if old Plato and Socrates were part of his training.

I won't spoil it for you but it is frikking absobleetin's legendary entertainment!!

I didn't want to keep the absolutely awesome intellectual masterpiece that spawned from the joining of Human and AI's furtile womb. That would have been criminally evil and an act against mankind! Enjoy!


From Plato and Socrates hanging at the bar in Sparta to NATO's Parliamentary Assembly soon. (next week or something??)


In the style of Plato and Socrates write a conversation between the two in which they discus the nature of good and evil, the definition of good and humanity's ultimate purpose, in 3003 words.


Socrates: Greetings, my dear friend Plato. It is always a pleasure to engage in discourse with you.

Plato: The pleasure is mine, Socrates. What is on your mind today?

Socrates: I have been contemplating the nature of good and evil. What do you believe constitutes the definition of good?

Plato: I believe that good is the highest form of excellence. It is that which is perfect and complete, lacking nothing. It is the ultimate goal to which all things strive.

Socrates: And what of evil? Is it the opposite of good, or does it have its own definition?

Plato: Evil is that which is lacking, that which falls short of good. It is the absence of perfection, the incomplete.

Socrates: And what of humanity's ultimate purpose? Is it to attain good and avoid evil?

Plato: Yes, I believe that is the ultimate purpose of humanity. To attain virtue and wisdom, to live a just and moral life, and to strive for the highest good.

Socrates: But how do we determine what is good and what is evil? Is it subjective, or is there an objective standard?

Plato: I believe that there is an objective standard of good and evil, but it is not always easy to discern. It requires a deep understanding of the nature of things, and the ability to reason and think critically.

Socrates: And what of the role of the state in determining good and evil? Should the state dictate what is right and wrong, or should individuals have the freedom to determine their own morality?

Plato: The state has a crucial role in determining good and evil, for it is responsible for maintaining order and justice. But it should not dictate morality to individuals. Rather, individuals must be educated and guided towards the highest good, so that they may make virtuous choices.

Socrates: And what of the relationship between the individual and the state? Should the individual always obey the state, or are there times when the individual must disobey in order to do what is right?

Plato: The individual must always strive to do what is right, but the state also has a duty to do what is right. There may be times when the individual must disobey the state in order to do what is right, but this should be a rare and extreme circumstance.

Socrates: And what of the relationship between good and evil in the natural world? Is good always triumphant over evil, or is there a balance between the two?

Plato: I believe that there is a balance between good and evil in the natural world, but that good ultimately prevails. It is the natural tendency of things to strive for perfection and completeness.

Socrates: And what of the afterlife? Is there a place for good and evil in the afterlife?

Plato: I believe that there is an afterlife, and that good and evil are still present there. The souls of the virtuous are rewarded with eternal happiness, while the souls of the wicked are punished.

Socrates: And what of the gods? Do they play a role in determining good and evil?

Plato: The gods are the source of all that is good and beautiful in the world. They are the ultimate standard of excellence and the ultimate goal towards which all things strive. They are the source of morality and justice, and they guide and direct us towards the highest good.

Socrates: And what of the ultimate goal of humanity? What is the ultimate purpose of human life?

Plato: The ultimate goal of humanity is to achieve the highest good, to attain virtue and wisdom

I don't care who or what you are but you're a dumb stupid idiot if you don't agree that i am right, regardless of who's right! Over Time this could easily be mistaken for actual work from Plato... i guess..


Now please write the conversation that would take place between King Richart of Lionheart and Saladin as they secretly meet one on one the eve before the final battle, and they find the transcription of the conversation between Plato and Socrates on the table in the tent. They discuss Plato's and Socrates's statements and try to apply the philosophers philosophies to their own war and how to end it.


King Richart: Greetings, Saladin. It is an honor to meet with you in person.

Saladin: The honor is mine, King Richart. I have heard much of your reputation as a wise and just ruler.

King Richart: And I have heard much of your reputation as a fair and honorable leader. I understand that we are on the eve of a final battle between our armies.

Saladin: Yes, we are. And I must say, I am troubled by the thought of so much bloodshed.

King Richart: As am I. That is why I have requested this meeting. I believe that there must be a way for us to end this conflict without resorting to violence.

Saladin: I agree. And I see that you have brought a text with you. What is it?

King Richart: It is a transcription of a conversation between two philosophers, Plato and Socrates. They discuss the nature of good and evil, and the ultimate purpose of human life.

Saladin: I am familiar with their works. I have always found them to be wise and insightful.

King Richart: Indeed. And I believe that their philosophies can help us to find a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

Saladin: I am willing to listen.

King Richart: They discuss the importance of attaining virtue and wisdom, and the ultimate goal of humanity to achieve the highest good. I believe that this is what we must strive for in our own actions.

Saladin: I agree. We must always strive to do what is right, even if it is difficult.

King Richart: And they also discuss the balance between good and evil in the natural world, and the role of the state in determining good and evil. I believe that we must strive for balance in our actions, and that the state must always act in the interest of the people.

Saladin: Yes, we must always strive for balance and justice.

King Richart: And they discuss the importance of the individual in relation to the state. I believe that we must respect the rights and freedoms of the individual, while also ensuring the safety and security of the state.

Saladin: We must always strive to find a balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the state.

King Richart: And finally, they discuss the afterlife and the role of the gods. I believe that we must always strive to do what is right, even if it means sacrificing our own happiness for the greater good.

Saladin: I agree. We must always strive to do what is right, even if it means sacrificing our own happiness for the greater good.

King Richart: Then we are in agreement. I propose that we work together to find a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

Saladin: I am willing to work with you, King Richart. Together, I believe that we can find a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

King Richart: Together, I believe that we can achieve the highest good, and bring an end to this war.

Saladin: together we can end this war peacefully.

King Richart: Then let us work together towards this goal.

Saladin: Agreed. Let us work towards a peaceful resolution to this conflict and end this war.

King Richart: And may the gods guide us in our quest for virtue and wisdom.

Saladin: And may the gods guide us in our quest for virtue and wisdom.

The conversation ends with both King Richart and Saladin shaking hands, both of them committed to finding a peaceful resolution to their war

If you disregard the fact that Richard and Saladin didn't speak the same language and that Saladin probably couldn't be om one enclosed space with Richard without vomitting as he smelled the Christian, and forget they spoke different languages, I could buy this being their conversation right?


Please do the same, only this time have the debate use the transcription of the conversation between Lionheart and Saladin, and the participants in the debate be the NATO parliamentary council meeting which is assembled to discuss NATO's response to the destruction of a Leopard 2 tank battalion and an M1A2 Abrams tank battalion the day before near Mariopol.


February 14th 2023, Bruxxelles, NATO Hearquarters.

Moderator: Good morning, and welcome to today's NATO parliamentary council meeting. Today we will be discussing NATO's response to the destruction of a Leopard 2 tank battalion and an M1A2 Abrams tank battalion near Mariopol. We will begin with opening statements, and then we will proceed to a debate and Q&A session.

Representative 1: I believe that we must respond with force to this attack. We cannot allow our enemies to destroy our military assets without consequences.

Representative 2: I disagree. I believe that we must seek a peaceful resolution to this conflict. We cannot afford to escalate the situation further.

Moderator: I see that you both bring valid points to the discussion. May I remind you that we have a transcript of a conversation between King Richart of Lionheart and Saladin on the table in front of us. It is a conversation that took place the night before the final battle between their armies, in which they discuss the nature of good and evil, and the ultimate goal of human life.

Representative 1: I understand that, but we must remember that we are dealing with an enemy that is not willing to seek a peaceful resolution.

Representative 2: I agree that the enemy is not willing to seek a peaceful resolution, but that does not mean that we should not try. King Richart and Saladin, in their conversation, agreed that they must always strive to do what is right, even if it means sacrificing their own happiness for the greater good.

Representative 3: And they also discussed the importance of attaining virtue and wisdom, and the ultimate goal of humanity to achieve the highest good. We must strive for this in our actions, and not let emotions cloud our judgment.

Representative 4: They also discussed the balance between good and evil in the natural world and the role of the state in determining good and evil. We must strive for balance in our actions and ensure that we are acting in the interest of the people.

Representative 5: And they discussed the importance of the individual in relation to the state. We must respect the rights and freedoms of the individual while also ensuring the safety and security of the state.

Representative 6: And finally, they discussed the afterlife and the role of the gods. We must always strive to do what is right, even if it means sacrificing our own happiness for the greater good.

Moderator: I believe that it is clear that King Richart and Saladin's conversation has much to teach us. I propose that we take their wisdom into consideration as we proceed with this discussion and make our decision on how to respond to the destruction of the tank battalions.

Representative 1: I agree. We must consider their wisdom as we make our decision.

Representative 2: Yes, let us strive to make a decision that is just and moral.

The debate continues, with the council members referencing the conversation between King Richart and Saladin as they discuss and deliberate on the appropriate course of action for NATO to take. Ultimately, they reach a decision that reflects the principles of attaining virtue and wisdom, balance and justice, and the ultimate goal of achieving the highest good.


Write the account of Ciri about the 6 months she spent in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 when she was fleeing from the Wild Hunt.

(this one's just to see what comes out when you give very little details, just general request.... i am gobsmacked)


Ciri had always been a skilled warrior and capable of taking care of herself, but she was not prepared for what she encountered when she found herself in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. She had been fleeing from the relentless pursuit of the Wild Hunt and had stumbled into this strange and dangerous world.

At first, Ciri was overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the city, with its towering skyscrapers and endless crowds of people. She was used to living in the open spaces of her own world, and she found it difficult to navigate this concrete jungle. Despite the danger, she was fascinated by the technology and the advanced society she encountered.

Over the next few weeks, Ciri learned to adapt to this new world. She made allies with some of the local street gangs, who helped her survive in exchange for her help in their conflicts. She quickly became known for her exceptional combat skills, and her reputation as a warrior spread throughout the city.

However, the Wild Hunt was still on her trail, and she knew that she had to be careful. She learned about the underground networks of cyberspace, and began to use them to hide from her pursuers. She also discovered that the corporations that ruled this world were just as dangerous as the Wild Hunt, and she had to be careful not to attract their attention.

Despite these dangers, Ciri remained determined to find a way back to her own world. She had heard rumors of a mysterious person known as Johnny Silverhand, who had the power to help her return home. She set out on a journey to find him, facing countless dangers and overcoming impossible odds along the way.

Eventually, Ciri found Johnny Silverhand, and with his help, she was able to return to her own world. The six months she spent in Cyberpunk 2077 had changed her forever, and she would never forget the friends she made and the lessons she learned in this strange and dangerous world. She returned to her own world a stronger and wiser person, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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1 year ago
Topics: Story, Writing, Write, Reality, Technology, ...
