BCH and read cash helps my kid smile once in a while.

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Avatar for AnonSunamun
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash, Goals, Earnings, Life, BCH, ...

Thanks to Bitcoin Cash I can make my kid smile every once in a while

A bit of my history in Crypto:

The very beginning

I have been interested in, and involved with, cryptocurrency almost from the moment they hit the internet. At first I was, as most people were, sceptical about it’s future but none the less installed mining software and had my pc mine bitcoins. After a while I had a bunch of them but like many others at the time I did some calculating and discovered that the bitcoins I had were worth less than $2,-. My interests were pulled elsewhere and I forgot about those bitcoins for a while until I stumbled across the mining software during a hard drive cleanup session. I checked, just out of curiosity, what the btc’s I mined were worth then and I was surprised to find out that the total worth of the bitcoins in my wallet had risen to $30,-.

A lesson in crypto regret

And naïve as I was I immediately went through all the hoops you had to go through back then to get them converted into real money and in the end managed to get €19,- deposited into my bank account. A few days after that I got my first lesson in cryptocurrency regret as bitcoin prices started to rocket up and went from $1 to over $30 in about a month or three. Among my friends my selling of those bitcoins almost had become a meme. Luckily the subsequent crash of the bitcoin price and my silence on the subject ever since stopped the rising ridicule for the most part though.

Dabbling a bit towards the hardfork

And for a long while I kept an eye on the crypto developments but did not get involved in it too much, until word got around that mining crypto’s with a descent graphics card was becoming worthwhile even when you were in regions with higher electricity prices. My interest was drawn towards the mining scene once more and pretty soon I was mining away whenever I wasn’t gaming on my pc and started to gain some traction too. When in 2017 I learned about the upcoming hardfork and that it meant that all the bitcoin you owned would be split and get you a (in my eyes) free cryptocoin for every bitcoin you had I turned all the cryptocurrency I had (mainly zcash) into bitcoins and waited for the hardfork.

Bitcoin Cash is born, another lesson in crypto regret.

So on august 1st 2017 I was pleased to find I had become the owner of some BCH. It was not more than a few days later that I got another lesson in crypto regret, when I saw that the price had tanked from over $700 to just over $200. Fearing that the price was going to freefall even further I cashed out on Sunday only to see the price bounce back to around $300 on Monday and eleven days after that the price had jumped back to over $700.

Then.... Life happened.

Since then life has dealt me some pretty hard blows and my financial situation… well… let’s just say that paying my rent and utilities left me with less than $50 per month for food, clothes, transportation and everything else that wasn’t rent or utilities. In some of my previous articles you can find more details on what happened, when it happened and what life lessons i learned from that... but for this article that's less important. Suffice to say that for a while the mining of crypto’s with my rig (fancy word for the pc I had/have to be honest) augmented my income with up to $30 per month but that went out the window pretty quickly, when gpu-mining on a single card (or at least my card) became no longer profitable.

Discovering read cash

Fast forward to about 10 months ago when I stumbled upon this site, read cash. As always I was sceptical at first and so I lurked for a couple of months, not sure if I had anything to offer that could be worth posting. Eventually though I took the leap of faith and posted for the first time, expecting to be disappointed. I wasn’t.

My small dose of happiness because of BCH and read cash

I’ve been very happy to be able to be a part of the community here, and BCH has made my life a little better. Which leads me to the point I guess I am trying to make. Even though I haven’t got any sponsors, nor have I had the honor of gaining the attention of Marc De Mesel, with the articles I’ve posted (yet?), I do benefit from putting up my fanfiction and articles like this one up on this site.

Every once in a while, meaning once every two weeks on average, the BCH I accumulate is enough so that I can turn it into fiat and transfer it to my bank account and I can splurge out on things that I normally can’t afford. So far I have once been able to buy Fanta for my kid instead of cheap sirrup and send out for pizza for the two of us. Another time I was able to get my kid Minecraft which he’d been asking me to get for months. And last time I was able to take him to McDonalds to get a Happy Meal and 2 McFlurries.

Sponsors of AnonSunamun

Sure it’s sometimes a bit disheartening when I see stories or articles get “the big bucks” (which for me is anything over $10) or when I see accounts which aren’t a week old with three sponsors or whatever. But I don’t let that bother me for too long, and I think back to the lessons I got in crypto regret.

Dreams for the future

Right now I am very happy with the little bit of happiness I can give my kid every once in a while, and I try to slowly save up some BCH every time I cash out. So I will keep posting my stories and articles, whether I get sponsors or not, in the hope that maybe one day I’ll have the good fortune to catch the attention of someone like Marc De Mesel or someone willing to give me a chance at writing articles they’re willing to sponsor or something.

Final thoughts

I do that not because I expect to get rich, but because I like to write and I post what I write here on read cash because so far it has made it possible to put a smile on my kid’s face. And I also have a strategy for the future. Every time I reach about $25 worth of BCH I keep $5 in a separate wallet and cash out about $20, in the hopes of one day saving up enough in that separate wallet to make it worthwhile to start trading.

I don’t expect that to happen, but I’ve learned one thing over the past decade or so: You never know what’s possible in crypto, and BCH is getting more adopted and accepted all the time, so if anything is going to make it happen, it is going to be Bitcoin Cash!

Thanks for reading, i hope you enjoyed it!!

Please check out my previous posts, and stay tuned for "New Beginning, Part 9" which i'll put up within the next 24 hours!

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy!

$ 254.48
$ 250.00 from @MarcDeMesel
$ 4.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Porwest
Sponsors of AnonSunamun
Avatar for AnonSunamun
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash, Goals, Earnings, Life, BCH, ...


I saw sir @MarcDeMesel post on noise about your article.. I am curious as well so I am here.. In your previous story, you said you lost custody of your kid... I'm glad you make her smile now 😁 I don't know the whole story.. But seeing you happy with your smiling kid made me smile as well. Indeed readcash is a blessing to all of us here.. This platform is also one of the reasons why I've changed my perspectives in life. From a goalless lady to a positive one.. At least now I know which path to follow.. 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Gosh, i didn't reply. my apologies. Yes i lost custody, but i kept visiting rights. Every Saturday (or Sunday these days) from 12:00 until 19:00 he is with me. And with holidays and other special days i can ask for extra time with him. (not her. ;) ) See my reply to the comment above to find links to all relevant articles. :P

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is something about this site that I readily recognized, and that is how it can have the uncanny ability to make an impact. Not just for BCH. But for PEOPLE. I am in the United States, so the little bit doesn't go a long way. But for some people in other parts of the world, read.cash and even noise.cash can offer an opportunity that, in their countries, might not otherwise be available.

Don't get me wrong. No one is saying that the hope is that read or noise replaces a good, honest day's work, and no one is saying it SHOULD replace that. But if one can share their life's experiences, and their thoughts and ideas, their hopes and dreams, their trials and tribulations AND get just a little bit farther along in the road of their lives?

That's a very good thing.

As for Marc's generosity, it is something I admire. Not because I am looking for generosity. But because in the world we live in, it is refreshing sometimes to see it in action. I hope you found good use for the reward as I am sure you did—and I suspect you probably wrote about it. So I will have to make my rounds and look for it.

In due time. Onward and upward to you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol! You threw my brain in a tailspin for a couple of seconds. I was totally confused and lost as to what, where... huh... what's this comment commenting on and where's the article???? But then I noticed it was under the first article that got noticed by Marc (or at least, that's the chronology i figured). If you absolutely want to have the others they're: https://read.cash/@AnonSunamun/my-miserable-life-a-cautionary-story-part-13-365450a2 https://read.cash/@AnonSunamun/my-miserable-life-a-cautionary-story-part-23-b00c5ea5 and https://read.cash/@AnonSunamun/my-miserable-life-a-cautionary-story-part-33-the-finale-b432a91a With the bonus tracks: https://read.cash/@AnonSunamun/what-a-ride-i-am-so-happy-and-greatful-right-now-7c07b900 and https://read.cash/@AnonSunamun/my-son-chose-a-day-of-shameless-abundance-and-lazyness-eb23e2f1 But, if you go look at all the articles coming after that, certainly for the next 2 or thre months, you'll notice my rewards were almost down to zero. Which was justified! I changed what i wrote, hoping to appeal to Marc in some way, tagging the man a lot too. (which you may notice i didn't in my latest articles even if i do mention him, it's just Marc or another even more cryptic description. I am so embarressed by the way i shamelessly, almost like a begger, tried to get his attention and approval. but lesson learned, and moving on i guess.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I will probably pick up on that once I get around to some of the other articles. But no harm, no foul. We all can become a little excited about money, and of course MORE of it, or the prospect of getting more of it.

Maybe Marc kind of picked up on that too? Not sure.

Either way, I do think (not that you or anyone does) that anyone should write to attract Marc's attention so much as to simply attract the attention of the regular folks who make up our audience.

I like being visited by the Random Rewarder, and being visited by Marc would be fun too. But really, how I gauge an article is by the people who actually engage with it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago