Apologies for the role in the atlantic slave trade (again).

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1 year ago
Topics: Community, Future, Learn, Slavery, Racism, ...

I have always said, and haven't heard any argument to change my mind, that if and when i encounter slavery I shall do what i can to end it and to see the perpetrators punished for it. I shall always, when asked mostly, maintain that slavery in any way shape or form is a horrible crime against humanity. I shall also always repeat that I believe all involved with slavery should be held accountable and be punished.

Why was todays apology needed?

The Dutch government has apologized for its role in the transatlantic slave trade on several occasions. In 2002, then-Prime Minister Wim Kok expressed regret for the suffering and injustices inflicted on enslaved people during the Dutch colonial period. In 2010, Queen Beatrix also offered a formal apology for the Dutch role in the slave trade during a visit to the Caribbean island of Curacao.

Today the Prime Minister of the Dutch government did it again.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte

Reparations in the future?

Many descendants of slaves see these apologies as the first step on the path to reparations, and the debate about that topic will be exploding onto the public debate as soon as the controverse surrounding the apologies quiet down.

Despite these apologies, it is unlikely that the Dutch government will make reparation payments to the descendants of slaves. Reparations for historical injustices, such as the transatlantic slave trade, are often controversial and can be difficult to implement.

There are many factors to consider, including the amount of time that has passed since the injustices occurred, the difficulty of identifying and locating descendants of slaves, and the potential financial and political consequences of making reparation payments.

Apologizing is not accepting accountability!

Additionally, it is important to note that apologies and reparations are two distinct forms of redress for historical injustices. Apologies are a way for governments or organizations to acknowledge their past wrongdoings and express remorse for the harm they caused.

Reparations, on the other hand, are financial or other forms of compensation that are intended to repair the damage caused by the injustices. While apologies may be an important step towards reconciliation and healing, they do not necessarily equate to reparation payments.

Discussions take many forms and handle many questions.

Unfortunately the discussions surrounding the reparation payments seem to ignore the most fundamental question: Is it ethically and morally just to punish someone for crimes committed by their ancestor(s)


Before discussing that question I'd like to state my views so there's no ambiguity about my position in this debate:

I believe we should all be held accountable for our own actions and words. I also even more vehemently believe that I should not be held accountable for actions or words that were not mine.

The question seems such a simple one.

Is it fair, just or right for me to be punished for crimes, no matter how horrible, inhumane, evil and unjust they might have been, that were committed by our ancestors?

Sounds a bit lofty and philosophical right?

How about this:

read the following question out loud:

Should you, or I, be arrested and held in prison for 6 months because some one you have never met, or knew existed, stole a loaf of bread from the bakery in Tsjietsjerkstradeel in January 1933?

Sounds like a Silly question?

Well, indulge me just a little bit more now, and please do the following:

  • Now Change "stealing a loaf of bread" for "capturing and enslaving Mbuto Mkweetnie"

  • Change "the bakery in TsjieTsjerkStradeel" into "somewhere along the coast of Africa

  • Then lastly change "In January 1933" into "the 16th or 17th century".

  • Same question, only now many have a hard time dismissing it as silly in the same way.

It is something that can pi$$ me 0ff(fafaah) immensely!

Moral Justice?

It is not morally just to demand that descendants pay for the transgressions of their ancestors. Here are five reasons why:

  • Collective punishment: It is not fair to punish a group of people, such as the descendants of slaves, for the actions of their ancestors. Collective punishment is a form of retaliation that targets a group of people as a whole, rather than the individual perpetrators of a crime. This type of punishment is generally considered to be unjust and has been condemned by international human rights law.

  • Lack of individual responsibility: Demanding reparations from descendants of slaves would hold them responsible for crimes they did not commit. It is not fair to hold someone responsible for the actions of their ancestors, especially when those actions occurred long before the person was born.

  • Intergenerational injustice: Demanding reparations from descendants of slaves could perpetuate the cycle of intergenerational injustice. If descendants are held responsible for the crimes of their ancestors, it could create a burden that is passed down from one generation to the next. This would perpetuate the cycle of injustice, rather than seeking to repair the harm caused by the original wrongdoing.

  • Difficulty of identifying and locating descendants: It can be difficult to identify and locate the descendants of slaves, especially when the records of the transatlantic slave trade were often poorly kept or have been lost. This makes it challenging to determine who is eligible to receive reparations and to ensure that the reparations are distributed fairly.

  • The potential for financial and political consequences: Demanding reparations for the transatlantic slave trade could have significant financial and political consequences. It is not clear how much reparations would cost, or who would be responsible for paying them. There could also be political tensions and disputes over how the reparations would be distributed and used. These types of consequences could potentially further harm and divide societies, rather than bringing about healing and reconciliation.

  • In summary, demanding reparations from descendants of slavers for the transgressions of their ancestors is not morally just. Collective punishment, lack of individual responsibility, intergenerational injustice, difficulty of identifying and locating descendants, and the potential for financial and political consequences are all reasons why demanding reparations may not be the most fair or effective way to address historical injustices. Instead, it may be more appropriate to focus on addressing the ongoing effects of these injustices, such as through policies and initiatives that promote equality and justice for marginalized communities.

The problem with this topic is that discussion or debate is near impossible these days. Any suggestion of opposition to either the apologies OR reparations will guaranteed lead the suggester to be branded a racist and burned to the ground by the lefts and the woke army. Today though i felt an article from my point of view was appropriate.

Thank you for reading this!

Stay Safe and stay happy!


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1 year ago
Topics: Community, Future, Learn, Slavery, Racism, ...
