Amazon to accept Bitcoin Cash soon

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3 years ago

A statement from Amazon.

"We are inspired by the innovation happening in the cryptocurrency space and are exploring what this could look like on Amazon," a statement by Amazon reads. "We believe the future will be built on new technologies that enable modern, fast, and inexpensive payments, and hope to bring that future to Amazon customers as soon as possible." 

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Job posting for a leader?

They're seeking a leader to "develop Amazon's Digital Currency and Blockchain strategy and product roadmap,"

They go on to describe what they're looking for:

"You will leverage your domain expertise in Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Central Bank Digital Currencies and Cryptocurrency to develop the case for the capabilities which should be developed, drive the overall vision and product strategy, and gain leadership buy-in and investment for new capabilities."

Well, that's a change from their previous position!

Back in 2017 spokespersons for Amazon were heard to be saying that Amazon was not planning on accepting cryptocurrency, as in at all. Now that's about to change, according to the job posting as well as an anonymous source who stated: "After accepting the world's largest cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) then Amazon will move towards other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), and Cardano (ADA)."

Great news for the mentioned coins.

Even though the mentioned coins should be taken with a grain of salt, being unconfirmed so far, it could already have had an effect on prices, seeing bitcoin go up almost 10% over the past 7 days. The 24th being the day the news went public, coincidently.

Years in the making?

Not only did the source mention that despite claims to the contrary, but Amazon has also been working on Crypto for quite some time now, stating;

"the e-commerce giant is working on cryptocurrency for years, and it will soon start to accept Cryptocurrencies." and even "The giant e-commerce company is also planning to launch its own cryptocurrency"

More from the anonymous insider.

“This isn’t just going through the motions to set up cryptocurrency payment solutions at some point in the future – this is a full-on, well-discussed, integral part of the future mechanism of how Amazon will work,” the anonymous source said.

Not the first sign of Amazon's move towards crypto acceptance.

Cointelegraph reported in February, the e-commerce giant recruited for a technical lead to help develop its new “Digital and Emerging Payments” platform.

These latest reports seem to confirm Amazon's continued and advanced development and movement towards accepting cryptocurrency. The fact that Bitcoin Cash is mentioned as one of the coins Amazon's aiming to accept is encouraging, and if it comes to pass, it would be the biggest boost in its acceptance yet.

Thank you for reading!

Stay safe and stay happy!


$ 3.20
$ 3.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


Seems some cast doubt on the validity of the information in this article. Source for most info in this article is:

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazon leaders should buy slowly BCH then after 10 billion accept BCH. 10 will become 1000

$ 0.00
3 years ago