Tips and tricks on Last day on earth

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago

Hi if your reading this you may be playing the Last day on earth Well lets begin in this article i will show you the things you need To do if your just a beginner in this game after you finished Clearing your home you should be able to understand what is the Basics of this game then after you go out to your home and you See in you map that there is a a green words on the pine bushes That is explore you clicked at the that location and you arrive at it And you are wandering why is this place is far more different than Your home well its because its a permanent location in your map And you still have another question why is there a time in the Crashed plane well its simple there is three things in places on Your map one is the permanent one and two is the time limited And last is the event places like in season 3 fair events just like in a Family fun fair and there are many different items first is the Items that you could just pick up without any tools and second The items that you could get by killing a zombie deer another Player raider etc and third is the items you could only get by using A specific tool like a hatchet and pickaxe and fourth the items That you could get by a time limited event or place like in the Crashed plane and fifth the items you could only craft six is the Items that you could only got on places like bunkers and many More places seventh the items that you could only obtain by a Giveaway like in the backpacks and the difficulty on every events Or places like on the limestone cliffs bunker alpha the color green Means its easy the color orange means medium the color red Means hard and there is loot indicator on every event or place like Pine wood limestone plant fiber seeds raw meat raw animal hide And the workbenches like woodworking bench and box small Box rain catcher and the buildings like in your house walls and Floors there 3 kinds of walls first is the normal wall second is the Wall with a window and third is wall with a door there are Significant updates on those and the requirements on building And making it like in the tools weapons benches that is some of it Is really difficult to obtain like on the motorcycle and you perks Each time you level up there is a perk that you can activate or Increase its level there are three kinds of perks or skills first is the Active like the animal friendly and second is the is the temporary Buff that you could only get on the healer third is passive like Burglar and about your inventory there is maximum of 10 item Slots for your pockets and another extras depends on your Backpack and of course your clothes there is armors in it and the Health of it and your hp last is the places that is close or you cant See in the map like the BLACPORT PD that can only be seen by Unlocking it by the watch tower near in the bunker alpha same on The other side watch tower but much more places in it on the December event and the transport required is you need to have The right vehicle for that specific event or places and there you go You already know the basics of playing the LDOE the end

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago


Please time ur writings..Good works

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4 years ago