Time to sail again

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Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago

It was April 4 when the time that i was very happy because i will go back home here in the Philippines from Italy where the cruise ship i was working for was recently docked. I'am not happy for the reason that i finished already my contract like usually the scene before, it is because that i can go home after 21 days at sea from Dubai until go to Europe that our ship is only floating we try to dock to other countries like France Spain and other places in Italy but they did not accept our ship to dock in our ship due to virus that are already spreading all over the world and one reason also that they are afraid that they think maybe our ship is already infected.

And yes what they are thinking are right actually are ship don't have passengers already, we disembarked all our guest on March 16 in Dubai our regular cruise since November then we head back to Europe because our ship carries an Italian Flag we sailed for about 1,300+ crew on board and stop operations because of the covid19 virus. While we are sailing back to Europe our Captain decided to transfer us all crew to Passengers cabin to observed social and physical distancing 1 person 1 passenger cabin each. And make a health protocols for the safety of all the crew. And as planned we are about to sail the ship in Europe while planning to disembark 80 percent of the crew and maintain the 20 percent for maintaining the ship condition. Since March 23 we go to other countries and port and try to be docked their but we are always denied. Until when April 1 came a day that we are accepted by the City of Piombino a province in Italy they warmly accepted us the ship and all the crew is very happy after so many days floating in the sea with out assurance where we are heading we are finally on a land that accepts us and can prepare to go home.


And then we finally found a place that welcomed and hugged us despite of the situation which is at the time the risk of the virus is very high. So in preparation of the disembarkation of the crews all of of us crew take the rapid test for the virus and unfortunately the results are very horrifying as 300 out of the total more than 1,300 plus crew members turns out to be positive. All of the positive were taken in deck 10 and carried into a special 14 days quarantine to monitor their health condition although majority of them are all asymptomatic cases and there about 4 crew members bring out to the ship to take to the hospital for further treatment. And then some of us who came negative on the test go home on our countries and i'm one of them i was only 5 months and did not finish my contract that supposed to be eight months but i'm happy because i will be able to see gain my family who are very worried much because of the situation. And then April 5 we came ere in the Philippines to go first a 14 day mandatory quarantine after that we go home to our families.

Fast forward it's already 4 months since i go home and since i did not finish my contract my family's financial status was affected and then so i try to find some alternatives me and my wife to earned extra money to overcome this pandemic situation. My wife started baking and selling it online while i'm doing some money making online and this read cash are one that i found that is truly legit. Slowly but surely we are used to our new normal and then yesterday i received an email by my company that i already have scheduled to go back to work on August and then suddenly i don't know what to feel it was mix emotions, happiness because finally i will be able to support again and give my family needs , and also loneliness because i will have to live again my family and aside from that i will leave them with still a virus is still on going. But i don't have a choice i have to leave them because it is my responsibility to provide my family needs no matter what. I just pray to GOD to always protect me and my family. To all parents out here in read cash this article is for all of you no matter what we are experiencing right now we just have to stay strong for our children and don't forget to call on GOD everything will be okay. GOD BLESS US ALL!

$ 0.01
From 1 contributor
Avatar for Annthony18
4 years ago


Nice article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much for the time reading on m y article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are welcomed

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Just take care of yourself, be vigilant of your health, and always pray. 😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much for the care for sure i will do all the thing that you've said to me thank you!!!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago