The world of the birds

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3 years ago

Hi welcome to my article in this one ill share some of my learning about the Wonderful world of birds and first what is a bird the birds began flying over one Hundred fifty million years ago and they are a relatives of the dinosaurs what is in The body of the birds first a birds ears are hidden underneath its feathers birds Breathe oxygen into their body and they also store it in small air sacs around their Body which makes them easily flying birds have pointed claws instead of toenails Birds have a powerful muscles that keep their wings flapping these muscles attach To a large plate of bone in the birds chest hollow bones most birds have hollow Bones if their bones were solids birds would be too heavy to fly a birds bones can Sometimes be lighter than its feathers. And now about their life all birds lay eggs Rather than giving birth female birds usually lay hard shelled eggs in a nest provides A safe place for laying eggs and raising a young one and some birds will sleep here through the year now this is how they attract mate a male bird will show off to Females in a variety of ways the male blue footed booby bird shows off to the Females by performing a high stepping walk with its blue feet now their eggs bird Eggs come in different colors and shapes to help them blend into their surroundings And avoid being eaten Guillemots breed on cliffs their eggs are long with a pointed End this makes the eggs less likely to roll of the cliff and now how do they hatch First bird parents sit on their eggs to keep them warm second when the young bird is Ready it pecks a hole in the egg with its beak and pushes out of the egg third until a Chick can fly it relies upon its parents for food and now the most amazing thing only Birds and some animals is to fly birds wings are shaped to suit the way they fly Eagles have broad wings to soar through the sky while most forest wings to fly from One tree to another a birds wing is curved this helps it to rise and steer through the Air birds fly by flapping their wings up and down taking off small birds can take off By jumping in the air and jumping in the air and flapping their wings larger birds Like swans run upwards while flapping their wings a birds feathers help it push Through air as the wings flap down they push air back and the bird moves forward Landing to land a bird controls its wings and tail and slows down then it spreads out Its wings and drops gently to where it wants to hand Feathers feathers grow all over A birds body they keep birds warm and help them to fly there are several different Types of feathers including down body and flight feathers and thats it for now The End.

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3 years ago


It's that an eagle?

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3 years ago