The terrifying world of sharks

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3 years ago

Hi welcome to this article in this article ll show you what is in the life of sharks first What is a shark with their super sharp teeth sharks are excellent hunters of the sea There are about four hundred fifty types of sharks including the largest fish in the World:the Whale Shark now what is their skeleton made of well it is similar to our Ear the cartilage a sharks skeleton is made of cartilage not bones what is a cartilage It is a light soft and flexible which helps the shark to twist and turn when it swims And we also have cartilage in our nose the sharks swim backwards unlike other fish Cannot swim backwards and they have Sharks have a very large liver this helps them stay afloat and which suits for a drunk man and now their parts most sharks have a Pointed snout while others like hammer head sharks have a completely different Shaped head now their senses the shark is the perfect predator it uses six senses to Hunt and catch its prey sight sound smell touch and the special ability to sense Electricity sharks bite and taste their food before eating it all living creature gives off Some electricity when they move sharks sense electricity using tiny holes called Ampullae of Lorenzini on their head and snout this helps sharks to hunt nearby prey A sharks ears are behind its eyes sharks are behind its eyes sharks are good at Hearing very low sounds sharks smell through their nostrils some sharks can sense Blood in the water up to three miles (five kilo meters) away most sharks have good Eye sight a hammerhead sharks eyes are at either side of its head this allows the Shark to see above and below it all times eye protection some sharks have this Special ability the special protective eyelids that close over their eyes before they Attack this prevents the eye from getting damaged

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$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder


Sharks really a dangerous creature but also is a very great creature to protect the seaworld

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes lots of people are thinking like that to sharks that they are very dangerous creatures because maybe of the movie about sharks that they are to be afraid or they kill humans, but in reality sharks have a very big role in the eco system of the sea world.

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3 years ago