The small world of bugs

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

Hi i just wanna share you some of things i know about bugs first what is a bug?. The Word bug is commonly used to describe many types of creepy crawlies.Spiders/bees,And centipedes are all bugs we can divide bugs into groups,Depending on their body and the number of legs they have. Insects an insects Body is made up of three parts:a head thorax,and an abdomen.An insect usually has One or two pairs of wings. Antennae help the insect to smell and feel. Insect have Compound eyes,which are large eyes made up of lots of smaller units an insect has Six legs.A tough,outer skeleton called an exoskeleton helps protect the insects body Arachnids Spiders,Scorpions,Ticks,and Mites are all arachnids.They have eight Legs No antennae ,and their body is made up two parts a cephalothorax (head and thorax Combined and an abdomen. Myriapods millipedes and centipedes are myriapods . They have more than three hundred legs their body is made up of two parts: a head And a trunk .True bugs have six legs like insects they suck up liquid through a Special straw like mouth part called a beak. Stink bugs shield bugs are also called Stink bugs because they produce a bad smell when they feel threatened The shield Bug gets its name because its body is shaped like a shield. A true bug uses its beak Like a straw to stab and suck up food a colorful pattern warns predators not to Attack

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Oh bugs. I like them 😊

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3 years ago

Yes bugs have a very good contribution in our eco system not all of them are disturbing.

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3 years ago

Small but terrible hehehe

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3 years ago