The origin of Koming the cat

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

Hello there if you have read my article about my cat which is the adventures of Koming the cat you may have some fun in that so lets start. One day in a stormy day i Was just bored and just want to take a look outside because i here some meow and When i see two kittens i immediately get my umbrella and picked up him but when i Have go outside the other kitten is gone. And only him is there so i immediately get Him some warm cloth and my mom have created an improvised incubator and Which is made of two coca cola glass bottles and filled up with hot water. Because he Seems so cold and will almost die and give a milk so that he can eat up and regain Some strength. At that time while i was taking care of him i am thinking about the Other kitten i saw and i take a look again outside and she was not there so what i Think about here is she is gone dead or some one had already picked her up. And one Day later i remember i saw a cat family in a housing near us so i brought him there Along with the other kittens and 2 adult cats so lets fast forward for 6 months. after 6 Months i have forgotten of that kitten and then every time a kitten was trying to Enter our house and sometimes he manages to get inside and it was hard because he Was small and so fast. a Few months later which is the pandemic era we have Decided to adopt him because he was always on our gate and we named him Koming Because of the Covid -19 era and a few days later i have remembered of that kitten And he has the same color of that kitten and i recognize his meow. a few days later we Saw a female tuxedo cat always with him and we started to think that it was his Wife and a few months later. we are right because Komang is pregnant we named Her that because it will match his name Koming her stomach is so huge and became so Strong in eating because she eats with Koming and then i have think and knew That she was the kitten i saw with Koming 10 months ago. Because she has the same Color and same meow so after a few days i am shocked to find out that she has Already given birth to their kittens and thats it for their origin and also they are 2 Kittens i am talking about their child. And a the date i found them is August 16 2019 And today is Oct 6 so its been 1 year 1 month and 6 days since i saw them so that's it For the origin of Koming (and Komang) i hope you like and understand it if you Please like and leave a comment or feedback see you on the part 2 love MEOW

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago
