The journey of Samuel W. Francis

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3 years ago

Having a job or a stable profit of income in these times of pandemic is very hard to achieve that you will not be worried about the future of your family specially in these rough times that the whole world is experiencing right now. But in this article of mine I will share to you a story of a guy who actually have everything in life money and influence in life but still pursue on inventing things to help other people on their life.

Samuel W. Francis is a doctor, society man, writer and a philanthropist so who will be able to think that a guy like him could invented a invention that nowadays we know as the called of "Spork"

The spoon and fork are been using even though the past old years, it is always use as a partner utencils while eating. Everything is normal on the use of the combination of these two utencils. Until Francis change the ball game, he is the one who invented of the spoon and fork in one utencils only. He called it Spork meaning of spoon plus fork.

He pattern his first design of Spork on 1874, actually the design that he made in the Spork that he made is very different compare now to the Spork design that we saw when we are eating in some food courts.

The original design of his Spork is that the end of it is pointed and sharp. It is a combination of spoon, fork and knife, it is design to be able to cut foods like meat and fruits. His first design was not plastic but instead it was designed in metal that people are not familiar that time to the new utencils that Francis has invented. Some people are amazed while others are afraid as if the first time you look at it it looks like a utensils that been used to Frankenstein.

Even though he is the main inventor of the Spork unfortunately he did not able to make it famous while he is still alive. Because the plastic Spork that we are using is only been click to the market 10 years after he invented it.

The word Spork has been put in the dictionary on the year 1909.The people who continue to make and distribute this kind of utencils have named their product Spork only in 1970.

Not only in his invention of Spork his quest to make people life much easier because aside from Spork he put up other inventions like calling cards and sewing machines. He also designed a type writer that actually looks like a piano that is called Literary Piano.

And that not ends his almost out of this world inventions, in 1868 he had invented a coffin that will automatically open he said that he designed for the reason to be able to much easier to rescue a person who accidentally mistake as dead but still alive.

The total invention of Samuel W. Francis under his name has reached a total of 12 inventions. He also leave a good name under his legacy as a philanthropists that give help and money for those who are in needs. What is very good about him is that even though is came from a powerful and rich family he never forgets to give help to others. Not only that because of his talents he has able to write a couple of books which titled Life and Death which was published in 1871 and the other book en titled Man and Nature which is kindly strange because the book is comparing the animals to vegetables, corn and fruits.

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago


so by using this you don't need to use booth hand on eating.

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3 years ago
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3 years ago

Thank you so much dear I checked some of your article and I can say that you really are a good writer.

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3 years ago