The Greedy KING Antoine

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4 years ago

In a far land there was a kingdom called Crater one day King Antoine was wandering through the dessert of The damned because he is planning to conquer the Azure city and King Antoine had a vengeful plan to defeat the Azure land he will sacrifice half of his people in order to conquer the land but king Antoine did not tell to the his men only his trusted people that will not be sacrificed but they did not now there was a spy on the enemy side then the spy told the army on what was the king is planning and after that the people had begun a rebellion against the greedy King Antoine they said we are loyally fighting for you and this is what you are gonna do to us make us a bait and the Azure land people had attacked while King Antoine and his army is fighting with its own ally they were wipe out and King Antoine was captured and tortured then he later learned if he did not make a vengeful plan and if think of a tactic without sacrificing if think he think about his people he would not end up like that then the Azure land Leader think of a ransom for the Crater Kingdom people know how greedy is their king when they got the message from the Azure land they have decided not to give even a single of what they want because they have think that if they will give the ransom and if their king would be free they all just end up to their fellow ally who died because of their greedy King so when the Azure land received the message of the Crater Kingdom they decided to just imprisoned the greedy King Antoine because they have think of they might have changed their mind but back in the Crater Kingdom a new King was crowned it is King his son Patrick and THE END.

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4 years ago
