The amazing adventures of spider cat by: Koming the tuxedo Cat

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Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago

One stormy day Koming the tuxedo cat is so scared of the storm and most specially The thunders or lightning and each time the lightning strikes Koming will panic and Run around the house and while hes trying to get relaxed the lightning strikes are so Loud and too many he is having some goosebumps or furbumps. Then at the same Time he is having some furbumps the creepy spider have bitten him in the tail and Koming's Meow is so loud and he seems to be in a quick sharp pain and when he Looked at his tail he saw two red spots and it hurts for a while.Then one day later While Koming is stretching his paws and short legs he just suddenly released some Meow webs and he is seemingly surprised with a strange meow he created then .While eating he is reaching his food he surprisingly released some meow webs again And this time he try's to pull the his food which is a fish

And he not only managed to pull it he also wrapped it with his new power meow web Then.After he eat and take some cat time he is ready to test his newly discovered Ameowzing power but of course as all super paws along with their ameowzing Power they need to have some suit to be easily recognized and then he came to one Of his paw friends iron cat.

Then he came to his paw friend's mansion and at first he didn't believe Koming Because of silliness then until Komig showed his meow web sounds just like spider Man's web shot psst and iron cat was amazed then Koming accidentally pulled one Of the first suit of spider man which iron cat just saw in their house.Then iron cat Decided to create a suit for Koming and with some tools with a web shooter just like For spider man and suddenly a robbery with hostage taking was been into flash news And they wasted no time hurried to the bank and it was black kitty and the green Kitty.

Then iron cat fight with black kitty and of course then iron cat tested hes new Powers and iron cat is having some trouble with black kitty and damage some of his Toys and this made him angry and blasted all of his cat weapons and he successfully Defeated black kitty.Then back to spider cat and green kitty spider cat used his Spider cat sense then throw some meow web psst psst psst and green kitty just Dropped their hostages and that's because of spider cat and green kitty discarded His bombs at their hostages and spider cat shoot some meow web to stop the bombs. Then green kitty started to run and spider cat listened to his spider cat sense he Chased him with hes newly learned technique the web swing and they been into the Abandoned area and green kitty suddenly disappeared and a few moments of hide And seek. Green kitty jumped at spider cat and grabbed his neck and try's to choke Spider cat he kicked him and spit out on the wall and he removed his mask and said i Give up then while spider cat is arresting him he called his ship and try's to stab him With that.Luckily spider cat's sense worked and he reversed jump and it hit green Kitty in the paw and green kitty is in too much pain and immediately called an Ambulance and the police then they go to their home and catch some cat nap Meanwhile green kitty and black kitty was imprisoned on the heaviest animal prison In their city The End. Meow meow meow!!!

$ 0.22
$ 0.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago

That was adorable. So cuuuttteee

$ 0.00
3 years ago