The adventures of Koming the cat

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3 years ago

One day Koming the Tuxedo cat is wondering his village trying to see other cats and after 5 Minutes of adventure he saw 5 cats one has broken face his nickname would be Dead Face and which is also a wild cat meow!!!! and 3 Munchin cats 2 female and 1 male Then Koming see a beautiful cat which we call Komang and their names is Based on the Covid 19 pandemic and suddenly the 3 Munchin cats attacked Koming And he run so fast and he looks so scared and tired but Komang have go to Komings Cat box and they decided to go on a date because each time i see them and a few Minutes they will be gone they are not going to Komangs house because of the 3 Munchin Cats and the poor cat i named Dead Face still did not get any medicine or Treatment for his Broken face and meanwhile back to Koming after about 25 to 30 Minutes they will be back and act as nothing happened and Komings hobby is to Catch some mouse and when he catch one he will immediately eat its brain when You see him doing that it will really disgust you and the only part that Koming will Eat is the brain and he will left the dead corpse in there and lick his paws then drink Some water and will scratch some Styrofoam and boxes which will result into a huge Pile of mess and as a punishment he will have to stay there and do not move for 5 Minutes and in food his most favorite food is of course fish when ever the food is Fish he is so hyper and excited to eat and a lot of meow meow meow!!! of Course every cat hates water so to give him a bath you must lock the door at the bathroom So he cannot escape and the funny thing in him in bath its his meow turned into Meowu!!!! and finding an escape he even tried to open the door and you can see his Cute small paw trying to open the door like a human after bath he will continuously Lick or groom himself till he get his self dry again and will continue to play and sleep His routine each day he poops and eat and play and have some sunlight take a quick Nap then scratch the Styrofoam and boxes then eat and a lot of nap and play with us Then in the 3-4:00 pm he and Koming will go on a date and act as nothing happened Then play and nap and scratch watch some cat videos and sleep and that's his daily Routine till one day we see Komangs stomach is so huge which means the cat is Pregnant and Koming is just a 1 year old cat his birthday is at August 16 and Komang Haven't delivered the kittens yet and one day while koming is outdoor he saw a Black cat and it seems they are friends and the black cat jumped high from the Ground to the roof and Koming seems so surprised and he tried to do that but he Always failed then he go home and never see the Black cat again and one day while He's outdoor a white cat approached him while hes having a nap and attacked him He is a friendly cat and does not like fighting because its rare to see him fight and he Did not fight instead he just run to home and its a feral cat then he did not now that The white cat has a brother but good thing is its not a feral cat as he then one day a Mysterious cat appear and its a spotted cat with a greenish coat and he always Meowu!!! till the 4-pm and one day he attacked Koming while hes sleeping and Immediately run and continue in Meowu!!! hes so loud and luckily after 1 week hes Gone or back to his house and that is what he thought till the day he attacked his Wife Komang who is Pregnant and Koming attacked him with a quick punch and he Managed to land a strong and solid punch then we call him meowtra from the Lego Ninjago which is really looks like him the same coat and spotted then. The End

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$ 2.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Annthony18
3 years ago



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